A Basic Yes No Tarot Spread and its Significance

Posted by David Swift
May 18, 2020
Image Tarot cards are mostly used to gain wisdom and knowledge; the readings are meant to give a clear insight to the past, present, and future events, dependent on the current situation in the person’s life.

In tarot, the future is not set in stone. In fact, this is a common saying. Simplified, this means that only you have the power to change your journey, and the tarot cards can help you understand how to complete that journey when you visit a tarot reader.

Basic questions the and significance

Each tarot card reader in Gurgaon and other locations will have different ways of interpreting the deck. The court cards are the Paige, Knight, King, and Queen; these should be kept separately from the pile.

One card draw

This is a single card draw, best-suited for a simple yes, no, or maybe as an answer; when the single card has been interpreted, then another card can be taken from the separate pile of court cards to understand the other people involved. The Yes-No cards and the meanings have been listed below; it is important to frame clear and precise questions for the best answers. The divination cards reveal destiny, concerning the questions.

Yes cards

  • The Fool – It indicates new beginnings.
  • The Empress – This card indicates growth and increase, relevant to your question.
  • The Emperor – Take charge of various aspects of your life.
  • The Magician – This requires creative talents to succeed.

  • The Hierophant – Rely on tried and tested methods.

  • The Chariot – Indecisiveness or a good choice; the decision will alter the course of the journey.

  • The Wheel of Fortune – Situation is not in control and should not be pushed.

  • The Strength – Rely on strength to activate the wishes.

  • The Judgment – Renewal or a clean beginning.

  • The World – Completion of ongoing matters.

  • The Lovers – Life-changing decisions about love life and other facets of the topic.

The Star and the Sun signify endless opportunities and a good time to try new things, respectively.


  • The High Priestess – An ongoing issue has somber results and the solutions given now should be accepted.

  • The Hermit – Ponder on past mistakes to avoid them again.

  • The Justice – Results dependent on the decisions made.

  • The Hanged Man – Cannot make a move until the situation changes.

  • The Death – Put it through, even if it is undesirable.

  • The Devil – Remove yourself from a bad situation immediately.

  • The Tower – No control over the outcome.

  • The Moon – Setting realistic goals.

These answers must be interpreted in relevance to individual situations. Also, these are simply the indication of the path you can take for positive outcomes; however, the final decision that determines the way which may be different from what has been interpreted, as it gives a broad meaning to various situations.

It is not easy to learn tarot card reading, which can take up to six months to master, depending on how frequently it is practiced.

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