Benefits of Understanding Reloading Tools

Posted by Mikal Jason
4 days ago

There are a variety of smaller reloading tools that can make an operation more efficient or prevent errors. For example a decapping pin can replace one that breaks and a vernier caliper is useful for measuring case length to ensure proper seating of the bullet. 

Many new shooters are drawn to reloading because of the cost savings, but there are several other benefits to consider. 

1. Precision 

When reloading your own ammunition or using your own primers, you need to ensure that every step is accurate. This includes everything from measuring the thickness of your case neck walls to ensuring that every powder charge is evenly distributed. A great way to do this is by using a Lee Precision or Hornady OAL gauge. 

A reloader can also ensure that the bullet is seated to the proper depth with a hand held neck turning tool. This is crucial to avoiding over penetration and headspace problems. 

Reloaders can also experiment with many different combinations of bullet, powder, primer, and cartridge. This can give them the best performance from their rifle or shotgun. Factory ammunition is limited to the combination that the manufacturer offers. This makes reloading an invaluable hobby for the shooter. 

2. Accuracy 

Reloading can be a complicated process. There are many moving parts and procedures, including cleaning, inspecting, resizing, priming, powder charging, bullet seating and crimping. Each step requires precision and attention to detail to ensure safety and reliability. 

Using the right tools and equipment contributes to accuracy. For instance, seating dies that are matched to the specific firearm and shot type promote consistent cartridge overall length (OAL), which in turn improves ballistic consistency and enhances firearm accuracy. 

Proper brass preparation techniques also increase accuracy, as does a regular calibration of reloading equipment. In addition, experimenting with different loads and bullets provides opportunities to learn more about terminal ballistics and fine tune ammunition for optimal performance in specific guns. Documenting the results of these tests can be informative, helping shooters identify areas where they can improve. 

3. Reliability 

For many shooters, reloading offers a great opportunity to create ammunition that fits their specific firearm and shooting style. Reloading is also a cost-effective way to

get high-quality ammo without having to pay premium prices for factory ammunition. 

Reloading requires a small upfront investment in equipment and specialized tools, but the initial cost may be offset by long-term cost savings. It’s important to consider the full range of benefits before making a decision to begin reloading. 

For those interested in starting reloading, an all-in-one reloading kit is the easiest and most affordable way to get started. The Lee Classic Loader is an excellent choice, and it comes with all the essentials for reloading including a reloading tray that keeps cases upright and organized as well as a bullet puller and case mouth deburring tool. 

4. Savings 

While reloading can be expensive to get started, the initial investment is often offset by long-term cost savings. Reloading equipment includes a reloading press, dies and scales that combine to take empty brass cartridge cases and bullets back to life. 

By purchasing components in bulk, reloaders can reduce the cost of ammunition significantly. This is especially appealing for shooters who go through large volumes of ammo regularly. 

In addition to saving money, reloaders are able to tailor their hand-loaded ammunition to their specific shooting needs. They can choose from a variety of bullet types, weights and calibers that are not typically available in factory-loaded ammunition. Additionally, reloaders can create custom loads for obsolete and specialty firearms that may not be commercially available. This can be an enjoyable pastime that fosters a sense of self-reliance and independence among shooters. 

5. Fun 

Shooters who enjoy the hands-on activity of reloading find great satisfaction in the ability to tailor their cartridges to fit their firearms and the type of shooting they do. Reloading also provides the opportunity to develop and test different loads to determine which ones produce the best results. 

Reloading is time consuming and requires attention to detail. However, those who have enjoyed reloading for years find that the process itself can be relaxing and even fun. 

Whether you want to load cheap plinking ammo for your range fun, fine-tune precision match rifle ammunition or hunt with the confidence of knowing your own well-crafted ammo, reloading is an enjoyable hobby for thousands of shooting enthusiasts. Understanding how to use reloading tools is an investment in your shooting success that will pay dividends for many years to come.

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