Top Vitamin D Rich Fruits That You Can Include in Your Child’s Diet

Posted by Ashru Nigam
Oct 23, 2024

Medical research has shown that many Indian children, who are among the age group of 8-12 years, are having vitamin D deficiency in their bodies. This is concerning. Though the main source of this food nutrient can be obtained through the sunlight, children these days are not spending sufficient time in the sunlight.

This is due to changes in lifestyle & habits. Besides, in many large cities, there is barely any space left for them to play. Moreover, they can be found playing on their video games and browsing smartphones.

But, we are here to help you out. There are many vitamin D rich fruits that you may want to include in your child’s diet. This can help them incredibly achieve the accurate levels of the food element in their bodies.

Reasons why kids may develop a deficiency in Vitamin D

When kids don’t venture outside more often, even during holidays. They can at least spend a few hours on the terrace of the house or apartment.

When they do not consume sufficient levels of the vitamins for their body.

When they are suffering from some sickness or disease.

When they are not physically active.

What are some of the common symptoms of Vitamin D?

They tend to become tired quickly.

They have pain in their muscles and body.

They fall sick frequently.

They are mentally exhausted & are anxious about everything.

Fruits rich in Vitamin D


First on our list, would be oranges. You just have to peel them and pop them inside your mouth. Perhaps, a bowl of an orange, ensures that your child gets the right amounts of the vitamin D for their body.


Bananas are another excellent source of the vitamins. It is one of the most common fruits that is found in many Indian homes. Infants, kids, and even the elderly love to gorge on the banana. They are easy to eat as well.

Besides, they can provide your body with all the essential nutrients.


You can either have freshly cut plums or dried plums. They are an excellent source of vitamins, and minerals as well. Besides, they also help in your digestion and don't have much of calories in them. You can store them in a jar, and have them for a week or so.


Strawberries are another rich source of this form of vitamin. Besides, it also contains high amounts of antioxidants that fight against diseases in the body. They are easy to have as well. You can rinse them in water, and then have them with their skin.

Besides, they can be had as a smoothie and also in salads. You can also add them in cakes, and pastries, and use them as toppings.


Children never say no to mangoes. You can have them as smoothies, and even raw. You can also use them in salads, and curries, if you want to. Besides, you can also prepare pickles using them. However, the best form for small children would be through sweets like payasam and kheer.

If your child is addicted to the smartphone or TV, then you may want to keep an eye on their eyesight. This is when consuming sufficient amounts of vitamins will help their cause. Besides, the prevention of diseases like rickets, the vitamin ensures that they have proper bone development.


We hope this article helps you. We have provided you with information on the fruits that are rich in this food element, we spoke about the deficiency and their symptoms. As a responsible parent, it is essential that you ensure your children are consuming sufficient amounts of fruits that are rich in vitamin D.

Besides, maintaining strong bones, the vitamin makes sure that other vital organs function properly. You may also consider giving them milk, soy, and vegetables as well. This ensures that they have a balanced diet regularly. 

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