How Much Should Marketers Rely On Artificial Intelligence

Posted by Rose Morley
4 hours ago

The rise of AI in such a short space of time has taken the world by storm. It has affected many industries for the good but some industries are still unsure whether it will work for their industry. One of those industries is digital marketing and it is split between two. Some people see it as a good thing and others think differently. 

What Marketing Areas Are Using Artificial Intelligence

All professionals are using artificial intelligence to some level, whether that is with paid search advertisements or with SEO. However, it has been proven that AI is extremely capable of creating content, especially long-tail content. Furthermore, SEO is quite complex in comparison to other marketing forms due to the hundreds of algorithm updates throughout the year from Google. Google insists on helpful content that is human-generated which goes against the whole AI-generated content. 

There are three things that Google insists on: quality content, unique content and offered information. 

What Issues Does This Cause For SEO? 

Those who have worked in SEO for a long time, understand the importance of original content. When using artificial intelligence, it can lead to a lack of original content. Furthermore, it can have plagiarism from other documents because this is where AI gets its content. Google will often penalise websites for any content that isn’t originally sourced. 

Another issue that AI has proven to show is inaccurate information. When it first launched, users came across a recommended answer from AI which said they should eat one rock per day. This was pulled in from an untrustworthy source. Again, this can be quite damaging to the reputation of the website if it is pulling in incorrect information.

Another issue with AI-generated content is that it lacks emotion and brand language. If you want your brand to stand out, you need to have a personality that represents your brand and usually, AI won’t get this right. Your brand voice within content is essential to make your business stand out and make users feel like they have a connection with your brand. 

Can AI Be Used With SEO

Yes, to a certain extent. There are many agencies and SEO professionals that use AI in some of their SEO practices. For example, some people will use it to help with generating content ideas. Additionally, it can help with content research and summarise long forms of content. Plus, it can help with the optimisation of content. 

There are many other things that it can be used for such as meta titles and descriptions for product items. It is also good for creating short snippets of content for products. When writing blogs for a website, you can use AI to generate titles for your blogs and provide you with a synopsis. 

To Conclude: Should SEO Professionals Use SEO? 

Yes and no is the answer to this. SEO companies shouldn’t rely on artificial intelligence to generate content for a website. However, it can help influence topic ideas for blogs. Furthermore, AI can be good for tedious tasks that are time-consuming. If you are an SEO agency in YorkshireAI can be good because it can reduce workload by optimising product level content and meta, however, relying on it for long forms of category content. 

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