9 Common Ways to Fail in MOT Test & How to Avoid Them

Posted by Quikfix Auto
1 day ago

Just as renewing your vehicle insurance annually is important, having your vehicle MOT tested annually is also important to drive your car legally in the UK.

More than 23,500 local garages throughout the United Kingdom including England, Scotland, and Wales, employing more than 65,800 testers, are authorized to perform a MOT test Telford and issue certificates.

By doing MOT tests the legal authorities want to know if your vehicle meets road safety and environmental standards. Using a vehicle of MOT test age that doesn't have the current test certificate on a public road is an offense and the vehicle owner will be liable for serious outcomes. 

There are two ways you get an MOT test for your vehicle:

  • After three years of vehicle registration.

  • After one year of your vehicle's last MOT check.

What are the Most Common Ways to Fail a MOT Test?

Here are the top nine most common ways to fail a MOT test and how you can prevent them-

Lights and Signaling

If your car has burned or cracks on the bulbs then it creates a negative impact on MOT results because it is the most common cause of failures but it is also one of the easiest and simplest ways to fix. 

Before going to the test, ask for help from a friend or family member to check your vehicle lights are working properly such as the front, rear, all indicators, fog lights, and brake lights.


If you drive your car in a city or near urban areas but still your car has suspension issues then chances are it’s because of Britain’s patchworked and potholed road surfaces. You can do a pre-inspection by looking beneath your car and finding short of clambering to avoid failure in MOT. 


Check if your car acts a little weird when pushing on the brake pedal. If the car moving left or right when you apply the brakes. If your car shows these types of symptoms then it’s time to replace the pads. You should change the brakes every 50,000 miles but it also depends on your driving style and the type of roads you are driving on. 


Your car tyres are the only part that is always in contact with the road just like your feet are in contact with the land. So you need to check them regularly so that they are always in good condition. 

Use a 20p piece to check the tyre tread depth across the full width of the tyre and all the way around. If you see the tyre outer band of the coin, your tyres could be under the legal limit.

Driver’s View of the Road

Look for any noticeable cracks or scratches on your car's windshield. The driver must have a clear view of everything from inside the vehicle. You must ensure that the windshield washers are working and have a sufficient amount of reservoir for the pump to operate normally during the MOT test.

Fuel and Exhaust

Emissions are the major reason cars are failing in the MOT test, especially diesel cars. Nowadays Pre-MOT fuel treat packs are now available on the market which cleans out the fuel system. Before the test take a pre-inspection of your car by giving two or three high revs to warm the engine up and blow out all cobwebs to properly clean the engine. 


Normally, Checking fluids is not part of the MOT test, but they check the power steering fluid and the amount of reservoir your car has. So if your car doesn’t have sufficient reservoir then fill it before the test. 

Seat Belts and Airbags

Before going to the MOT test take the time to figure out all the possible ways that a MOT test can fail your car. Check the safety components such as seat belts and airbags. Retract the seat belts, and fix any twisted or knotted belts. 

Check for any warning lights or errors showing in your car’s dashboard like missing airbags or other types of errors. These minor errors can create a big negative impact on the test. 

Body and Structure

As a car owner, you don’t have much option to fix the rust. Other than washing your vehicle regularly during winter. But you can fix any accidental damage on your car such as loose bumpers or dents on the doors before applying for an MOT test.

Registration Plates

One of the major and visible causes of MOT failure is your car registration plate, check carefully if you notice any scratches or if the numbers are whipped out. Check if the lights above the number plates are working. 

MOT testers often fail the car because their registration plate is bent. If your car registration number plate needs replaced then replace it before the test. 

If you pre-checked your vehicle and fixed all the issues then your vehicle is ready for the MOT test. If you want increases in your car's chance of passing its MOT test then do consider car servicing Telford.

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