Listen To New Episodes Of The Jordan Harbinger Show, Now Available On Spotify

Posted by PRC Agency
3 hours ago

The Jordan Harbinger Show

If you're an avid podcast listener, you may recognize the name Jordan Harbinger. Previously a key figure on a long-running podcast, he has since branched out to explore new avenues beyond the business world, creating the highly acclaimed and award-winning Jordan Harbinger Show.

Over the course of its 6-year run, the show has drawn in guests from every industry and discipline imaginable, from top astrophysicists to formal criminals and everything in between. Jordan also hosts experts who appear on the show to discuss popular health and mental wellness topics, seeking to separate fact from fiction regarding current trends.

When you tune in, you never know what you're going to get, exactly - although Jordan always seeks to come away from conversations with a positive message.

If you are an empowered entrepreneur, or, perhaps, if you just consider yourself to be a curious person, this podcast will expand your horizons in ways you likely have never considered.

But what exactly can you expect when you queue up an episode? Read on to find out!

Diverse Guest List

Recent episodes, for example, have featured conversations with self-help authors, hardened criminals, and individuals facing challenging situations in their personal lives. Jordan treats each guest with respect while seeking to understand the lessons that can be learned from each of their stories, empowering you and your fellow listeners with personal growth insights in the process.

Bonus Segments

In addition to his interview segments, Jordan hosts weekly features, such as his “Feedback Friday” show which sees him answering listener-submitted questions and exploring relevant topics with co-host Gabriel Mizrahi and other members of his team. In these segments, Jordan hopes to provide listeners with practical advice regarding their personal lives, business ventures, and relationships.

The Best Podcast

Overall, he hopes to educate and enrich the lives of listeners by sharing unlikely perspectives, creating a powerful resource for curious individuals like yourself who are looking to better themselves in unconventional ways.

One reviewer stated, “I have been listening to Jordan for years now and he is second to none in the podcast game. His episodes are informative, enlightening, funny, and they are sure to expand your knowledge. He is an excellent interviewer and is able to secure fascinating guests.”

Now approaching its 1100th episode, the Jordan Harbinger Show has been upheld as a consistently high-quality self-improvement resource by fans and reviewers alike, securing the “Apple’s Best of 2018” award and continuously improving since then.

You can find new episodes of the show on Spotify.

This content is provided in partnership with The Jordan Harbinger Show and is intended for informational purposes only. The views, opinions, and advice expressed in this article are solely those of The Jordan Harbinger Show and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of any other individual, organization, or entity.

The Jordan Harbinger Show City: Campbell Address: 1821 S Bascom Ave #174 Website:
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