Why IT Infrastructure Consulting is a Must?

Posted by Integrative Systems
Sep 23, 2024
  • For US businesses, the average IT downtime cost per hour can go up to $1 million – According to an IDC survey.
  • On average, U.S. businesses encounter 12 IT downtime incidents per year - Confirms Veeam
  • Out of 500 Fortune companies, over 59% of companies experience a 1.6 hour of minimum downtime per week - To believe Data from Dun & Bradstreet.
  • Small businesses face an average cost of downtime of $427 per minute whereas larger businesses face an average cost of downtime of $9,000 - Confirms SolarWinds

Now, here's a question for you: As a leader, are you able to effectively address the rising challenges related to IT infrastructure?

If you are, there’s nothing like it.

If you aren't, it's time for you to consider IT infrastructure consulting.

It's not another expense, mind you!

It's a strategic investment to -

  • Gain complete control over the IT infrastructure
  • Adopt modern technologies without any constraints
  • Optimize your IT investments to secure maximum ROI
  • Cut down the security risks in managing IT infrastructure
  • Reduce IT operational pressure and improve operational efficiency
  • Future-proof your IT environment to adapt to modern trends and tackle emerging challenges

You don't have to take our word for it just because we are acknowledged Microsoft partners.

In this article, we will support our claim through -

  • What are the critical challenges in IT infrastructure management?
  • How do the challenges impact Your IT and business operations?
  • What roles do IT Infrastructure consulting services play?

And a lot more on your way!

Ready to explore? Let's go!  

What Are the Common Yet Critical Challenges in IT Infrastructure Management?

IT Infrastructure Management is not an easy feat.

There are multiple stubborn challenges to overcome.

Let's look at the challenges individually.

Challenge 1 Rising Cybersecurity Threats

From 2023 to 2032, the US cybersecurity market is expected to grow 2.81 times of its current size.

Why this massive growth?

Because cybersecurity attacks are evolving at never-seen-before speed.

From common ransomware attacks to AI-powered attacks, IT leaders, like yourself, are constantly on alert. A single cyber-attack can damage your business’s reputation or lead to a financial loss.

Challenge 2 Keeping Up with Rapid Technological Change

Despite horrific headlines every day, the important takeaway is that we are living in the golden age of innovation.

From cloud, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, to many more, technologies are evolving rapidly, interacting with one another to create even better possibilities.

But keeping up with this pace is like catching a speeding train.

For IT leaders, this means regularly executing upgrades and bringing in relevant technologies that can pull resources and problematize management. Not only is it nearly impossible, but it can also be an overwhelming and costly affair.

Wondering what's the way out?

Investing in IT infrastructure consulting by the best IT infrastructure consulting providers.

Read on to see how they can help.

Challenge 3 Handling IT Downtime Costs

Top 500 global organizations lose over $1.4 trillion annually because of unplanned downtime, which is equal to 11% of their total revenue, according to Siemens' The True Cost of Downtime 2024 Report.

For higher-risk organizations like healthcare and finance, downtime can cost up to $5 million an hour in special cases, and that's excluding legal liabilities.

As alarming as the numbers are, IT leaders, such as yourself, are constantly in fear of the consequences. Even a brief period of downtime can leave a severe scar on your business's bottom line.

Well, these are just a few of the many common yet critical challenges in IT infrastructure management that demand your immediate attention.

This is when IT infrastructure consulting comes into the picture.

Before we explore the benefits of IT infrastructure services, let's measure the impact of these challenges on your IT operations.

Next up - let's measure the impact of these challenges on your business's bottom line with real-world examples.

How IT Infrastructure Challenges Impact Your IT Operations?

The impact of these IT infrastructure challenges runs deeper than you may realize.

These problems don’t just cause occasional disruptions but stir the foundation of your IT operations.

Let's zoom into the impact of popular IT Infrastructure challenges with real-world examples.

Cybersecurity Breaches

A single data breach can lead to unrecoverable data loss, and expensive financial penalties, forcing your business to allocate massive resources to control the damage.

Plus, the time wasted in remediating is a ding on your business growth, causing a ripple effect that hampers the bottom line of your business.

Have a look at the popular LinkedIn data breach case -  

In 2021, LinkedIn's 700 million database was stolen, affecting 92% of its user base.

Although it included primary user information like names, phone numbers, and email addresses, the attack left a significant impact.

This data breach damaged LinkedIn's reputation as the users questioned the popular platform's security stature. The incident also likely increased LinkedIn's operational costs to improve security stature and prevent future breaches.

Prolonged Downtime

System downtimes are more than about lost productivity – they are also about losing customer trust, missing out on big opportunities, and paying financial liabilities.

Today customers expect everything to be smooth.

If your IT system goes down even for a short duration, they might look for other options.

Plus, the longer your downtime, the costlier it is to get back up and running.

The best real-world example would be downtimes on Facebook and Instagram.  

It's common for us to see the popular apps Facebook and Instagram go down, be it for a few minutes or a few hours.

When that happens, millions of users are left frustrated, and the competitors get an opportunity to slide in. And let's not forget the massive financial loss that occurs during these IT system outages and the blow to their brand reputation.

Increased Operational Costs

It is going to inflate your IT budget if you're focused on reacting to challenges instead of proactively managing them.

The reactive approach takes a toll on your resources, leaving no room for growth, and quickly turns into a costly cycle of patching up problems instead of preventing them.

Here's an example for better understanding.

For instance, older businesses that haven't opted for IT infrastructure modernization end up spending more on infrastructure maintenance.

Did these insights move you off the edge a little?

Don't worry! The IT Infrastructure consulting has got you covered.

Finally, let's look into the solution to these stubborn challenges – IT infrastructure consulting services by a reliable IT infrastructure services partner.

How Does IT Infrastructure Consulting Services Make a Difference?

Whether you're looking to -

  • Optimize IT assets
  • Achieve IT goals 2X faster
  • Win over the IT security threats
  • Overcome IT downtime worries
  • Reduce infrastructure complexities
  • Or improve productivity and innovation

IT infrastructure services by trusted IT infrastructure companies have got you covered.

Let's see how IT Infrastructure consulting services make a difference.

24 x 7 Dedicated Monitoring and Maintenance

With an IT infrastructure consultant by your side, you enjoy a good night's sleep without the worries of constant IT issues.

Their active monitoring and maintenance mean that your IT systems are monitored, managed, and maintained throughout, addressing issues before they become a concern.

This means -

  • 24x7 unwavering remote support
  • Better system performance
  • Prompt issue resolution
  • Fewer downtimes
  • Peace of mind

Improved Security & Compliance Stature

When you invest in the best IT infrastructure consulting providers, you become confident and fearless about data protection and security.

They don't wait for the security vulnerabilities to strike. Instead, they opt for a proactive approach and conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments as preventive measures.

The expert IT infrastructure consultants further strategize preventive solutions that can save you from cybersecurity threats, data breaches, and unauthorized access.

This means -

  • Enhanced regulatory compliance
  • Strengthened security measures
  • Proactive threat management
  • Better risk management
  • Peace of mind

Improved Operational Efficiency by Up To 30%

With an IT infrastructure consulting services provider, you will be enabled to achieve the desired growth through operational efficiency.

Thinking about “How?”

The IT infrastructure consultants analyze your existing IT infrastructure to identify inefficiencies.

They then introduce scalable solutions to optimize processes and advanced technologies such as automation tools for streamlining and enhancing overall productivity.

This means -

  • Maximum productivity with no to low system downtime
  • Free resources for new strategic initiatives
  • Future-proof IT environment
  • Better resource allocation
  • Greater innovation

This is how IT infrastructure consulting services make a difference.

Long story short: IT infrastructure consulting means lifting a heavy weight off your shoulders.

The weight of:

  • Downtime costs
  • Security concerns
  • Complex IT management
  • Operational inefficiencies
  • Technological obsolescence

IT infrastructure consulting is great! But what next?

Next, you need to review a list of reliable IT infrastructure services companies in the USA to place your IT system in capable hands.

Relax. We have done the legwork for you.

Here's the leading IT infrastructure consulting company in the USA - Integrative Systems.

Integrative Systems - IT Infrastructure Consulting Company of Your Choice

At Integrative Systems, we are not just another team of IT Infrastructure consultants.

What makes us stand out in the crowded market is -

  • We are a certified Microsoft Partner
  • We prioritize your success before ours
  • We settle for nothing less than excellence
  • We walk in with 20+ years of proven experience
  • We put to work the best-in-class IT Infrastructure consultants

Curious to know more about us?

Have a look at the list of IT Infrastructure services we provide –

  • IT Infrastructure Consulting
  • 24X7 IT Infrastructure Support
  • 24/7/365 Helpdesk & Technical Support
  • Managed Network /Server/ Data Center Management
  • Managed Cloud Infrastructure
  • IT Security and Compliances
  • Back up & Disaster Recovery
  • IT Asset Management

Have doubts, queries, questions for us?

Drop us a line at contact@integrativesystems.com, and our team of experts will get back to you within 2 business days.


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