Plastic Pallets Sydney vs Timber Pallets Sydney

Posted by Vinsky Sarah
2 days ago

Do you need a reliable and robust solution for transporting items? Pallets can efficiently and safely transport items. But now the question remains which pallet type suits various industries?

For years, wooden pallets have dominated the industry, however, plastic pallets in Sydney have emerged as the most suitable alternative. So, let's extend the topic to understanding why plastic pallets get a big thumbs up in comparison to wooden ones.

Why are plastic pallets the next significant addition to logistics

Lighter and easy to move

Compared to wooden pallets, plastic pallets are hassle-free to handle and are cheaper in terms of shipping. Both manual and air-friendly handling becomes easier with plastic pallets.

Durable and long-lasting

Plastic pallets have high durability. Besides that, they are highly tolerant to any damage due to weather, pests, or chemicals. They don't retain moisture, unlike their wooden counterparts. The best thing is that they are safe from getting splintered or rotten. Therefore,
considering the long term, it's a reasonable investment for logistics.

Plastic pallets are hygienic

Cleaning is an essential part of ensuring the longevity of the pallets. The good news is with plastic pallets in Sydney, you can maintain and easily sanitise. They do not attract bacteria making them an ideal choice for the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Consistency in design

Plastic pallets are specifically designed. They are precisely tailored in terms of weight and size, which is why supply chains and warehouses find it so compelling.

Why are wooden pallets not preferred

Though durable, wooden pallets can be more expensive for companies that need to invest initially.

The weight of the wooden pallets

Wooden pallets are heavier than plastic pallets, ultimately increasing their shipping expenditure.

More vulnerable to damage

Wooden pallets are damage-prone compared to plastic pallets. They are susceptible to insects and moisture. With time, wooden pallets can rot and warp which questions the safety of long-term use.

Wooden pallets are not hygienic

Regarding the hygiene factor of wooden pallets, they are not recommended for industries dealing with foods and pharmaceuticals. This is because they can retain moisture, which can lead to the breeding of bacteria and Molds.

Regulatory issue

As per international shipping regulations, timber pallets need heat treatment. It will ensure no pests can harbor on the wooden pallets. This increases the overall cost.

In conclusion

The above pointers do show that plastic pallets are the best for specific industries. We recommend you research the online reviews and company reputations before making a final purchase.

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