Preventing Skunk Infestations: Tips for Toronto Homeowners

Posted by George Anderson
2 days ago

Skunk populations can be problematic to home owners in the communities especially in the urban areas such as Toronto. This once again reiterates the need and importance of avoiding skunks from gaining access to your yard or home since they are well known for their stench. Measures that would help in the prevention must be adopted in order to ensure that they stay away from ones living area. Here you’ll find the information about the ways to avoid skunks appearing on your property and how to protect your pets if they got attacked, as well as advices on hiring a professional skunk remover in Toronto.


 Getting to Know More about Skunks: Its Behavior and Habits

 As a result, it is vital to learn how the skunks are likely to act to avoid getting infested with them. Fur coloured skunks are active mostly at night and it is during the night that they usually look for food. These animals are particularly drawn to such factors as foods that can easily be hunted and abodes. Common attractants include:


 Pet Food: Putting pet food outside may lead to an appearance from a skunk.

 Garbage: Pile of garbage cans which are open can be viewed as an attraction.

 Compost: There are always constructed heaps of food wastes in the form of compost piles that make skunks to be attracted.

 As for living, skunks look for a sheltered spot under decks or sheds or even in attics and thus, it is advisable to block all these potential entry points.


 Prevention measure you need to know for homeowners in Toronto

 Protection of Trash and Food Handlers


 Another great way of avoiding these animals from getting close to your compound is to eliminate their foods from the area. Have child and animal resistant garbage cans and lids and do not leave food accessible to animals outdoors during the night. If using compost, one should do it in a manner that it cannot be accessed by animals such as squirrels etc.


 Close Off Entry Points


 There are evidences that indicate that skunks may be able to access homes and other buildings such as outbuildings through gaps. Scan the area around your home searching for areas that the outsiders might use to penetrate your house for examples, spaces in the floor, gaps in walls through which air passes for example in walls or spaces between the walls and roof in case of a squeezed roof etc. Safeguard these points with materials that the skunks cannot chew such as metal or heavy duty mesh.


 Trim Landscaping


 It is worth mentioning that skunks prefer places that are overgrown so that there can be shelter and cover. There should always be an overlap of the bushes, trees and other growths around your home to eliminate hiding places. This does so and you are fewer times at the mercy of the skunks ferreting through your property in search of a perfect den.


 Remove Shelter Options


 Skunks become active during night times and look for places that are concealed in order to create their nests. It is also important to make sure that there are no easy means that the birds can locate suitable nesting areas within the compound, this is especially true within the compound. Seal entry points, Diseases caused by skunks are spread through the parasites that need to be controlled by sealing up spaces as well as denying those areas of shelter such as under decks and sheds, piles of leaves and other refuse.


 Use Repellents


 There are many home remedies and commercial repellents which one can use to ensure that skunks keep off. Natural repellents include one that is ammonia or cayenne pepper. Some commercial products produced exclusively to help people to deal with wildlife also work. Use these repellents around the perimeters of the premises particularly the areas where the skunks may directly access.


 Install Motion-Activated Lights


 Moles are found mostly at night since they are active during the night and they like area that are dark and less noisy. One of the ways of preventing skunks from straying onto your property is by putting up lights which are sensitive to motion, as skunks dislike places that are well illuminated.


 People experience stress at different times in their lives, and while coping with stress is often possible at home, it can become unmanageable at some point, and professional assistance will be needed.


 There is always a possibility that skunks will move unto your compound regardless of the efforts you put in place to prevent that. If you find that you are being overrun by these skunks, then it will be advisable that you act very fast and seek the services of a professional. Companies that specialize in dealing with wild animals especially from Toronto have better ways of dealing with the skunks than most people and apart from that they have tools to do the job.


 Professional services can:


·        Identify and Seal Entry Points: Professional exterminators may be able to find some cracks and holes which a layman may fail to identify.

·        Remove Skunks Safely: It should also interest you to learn that professionals who capture and remove skunks do not harm the animals or your property in any way.

·        Address Contamination: The skunks also produce urine and faeces which should be treated professionally for health complications related to bad smells.



 Preventing skunks from taking over your home means taking a more vigorous approach in keeping sources of their food away from your homes, sealing other entry points, trimming your vegetation and using repellents. Hence by using the following strategies, the Toronto homeowners can minimize chances of calling for skunks in their compound and any possible issues that come along with such animals. However, in the unlikely chance that an infestation happens, turning to the services of the best professional skunk removal in Toronto guarantees that the problem is solved safely and in the most efficient ways possible so that the homeowner can continue enjoying his or her living conditions without any worries.

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