How Textured Box Packaging Influences Brand Image and Consumer Perception

Posted by Ethan Robert
6 days ago

In today's marketplace, consumers are bombarded with options. Where the options are limited less for consumers, brands are also working hard to be the highlighted ones among all and get the consumers’ attention. Packaging has a huge role in influencing consumer perception so among all other packaging textured packaging has its unique value the boxes that incorporate the custom textures and linen finishes have the magic to convey high class value of the product inside. As compared to all other packaging these boxes not only appeal to the consumer's eyes but also give the exclusive feel when customer move their fingers on its surface. 

Why Textures Create Interest and Establish Suspense?

Texture and linen packaging are more tempting as compared to all other packaging. According to research the eye naturally follows a crooked line or a pattern. The texture used on packaging is designed in a way that the eye has to follow and this is where the call to action is made. So textured boxes influence the consumer to look at the product more than the similar products on the shelf. These textures also make the consumer interact with the products by touching them and feeling them. The feel that consumers get while touching the custom texture and linen boxes creates a stronger relationship between the consumer and the brands.

The Power of Touch To Create a Tangible Connection

The sense of the touch is so powerful that once the consumer grabs these boxes in hand it will provide the unique feel, the sensory experience, and visual appeal. Not only does it have a pleasing effect on the consumer's eyes but as the consumer runs their fingers on the tactile surface it evokes emotions and memories. Customers can also have a choice to tailor these packaging according to their brand image. The soft texture on the surface gives the look of elegance where whereas the rough, grainy texture gives the feel of sturdiness. So the consumer perception of the product is based on the choice of the texture of the packaging,

Visual Appeal For Enhancing Aesthetic Value

Printed texture and linen boxes are the best combo of the packaging that has both visual and physical appeal and these both are the major aspects of the packaging. The different thing about this packaging is that the latest techniques can mimic the appearance of different materials it may be wood, fabric, leather, or many others that can portray their brand. Customers can quickly make up their minds regarding the product as they see the product in packaging. If the packaging is of high quality and visually appealing packaging consumers perceive the product as a premium product. This association between the packaging and the product plays an important role in brand differentiation.

Emotional Engagement For Building Brand Loyalty

The unique feel of the boxes evokes the emotional responses from the consumers which helps in creating brand loyalty. The attachment to packaging creates a long-term relationship between customers and the brand.

This is the age of social media, people usually share their every experience on Instagram or share the unboxing video on YouTube. The beautiful packaging of the box influences the consumer to share this experience with others. As a result, this can increase the brand visibility and reach the maximum audience.

 Building Brand Messaging Consistency through Textures

Brands know very well the value of the packaging so they choose it wisely. They choose textures according to what they want to portray regarding their product, such as they can choose wood grain textures to show their associations with nature. Skincare startups usually prefer linen textures, which give the image of delicacy and classy. When these textures combine with other elements such as brand theme, logo it also helps the consumer to get familiar with the brand for a long time

Sustainability and Perception

People are becoming more aware of sustainable packaging, they realize that by using such packaging they can at least contribute a little to saving the earth. So the demand for sustainable boxes has grown. To meet the consumer’s demand cardboard texture and linen boxes are the best choice. Brands use natural fiber or recyclable material in manufacturing these boxes. These boxes enhance the brand’s image as a responsible company.

Textural Cues Facilitate Product Purchase Intentions And Brand Attitude.

 Does unique texture actually increase sales? According to different research textured packaging influences the consumer to buy the product. These positive impacts don’t stop here even when they make the purchase the sensory experience enhances the satisfaction and brand loyalty. This experience makes them closer to the brand and would love to visit the brand again.

Therefore choosing these boxes is an effective marketing strategy even for the new brand which increases the perceived value and influences the customers to buy the products and remain loyal to the brand.

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