Trump vs himself ~~~ a look at how news is marketed

Posted by Sanseveria F.
Sep 7, 2024


          Trump rambled when he was asked an important question 
                                                                                                                                           from CNN

"Former President Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance were both asked essentially the same question while thousands of miles apart this week:

How would they bring down the cost of child care,
which is a barrier to people having children
and a major drain on parents?"

(: Trump :)
"Given that the Republican ticket is built around the idea of reversing inflation and appealing to “real” Americans, and that Vance in particular has argued, joking or not, that “childless cat ladies” are a threat to American democracy, it seems like the kind of subject for which they would have something to say".

...the two men gave remarkably different answers, neither of which seem likely to bring down the cost of child care.

Vance, speaking to a conservative activist at an Arizona church on Wednesday,

thinks parents should look to grandparents, aunts and uncles

for those who have them,

"(He) also suggested cutting down on training and certification requirements for day care workers.

"That answer... focuses on the issue at hand, but it won’t satisfy any parent or potential parents who don’t live near their extended family or whose extended family can’t afford to work for free.

What came out of Trump’s mouth, however,

in his talk with the Economic Club of New York on Thursday, was not a direct answer about child care, which he dismissed as ultimately not a very big problem and not that expensive to fix compared with the money he will raise from tariffs.
You could charitably say that he pivoted from the child care question back to his talking points for the day, which had to do with his plan to place taxes, also known as tariffs, on all imports coming into the US.
* However, if you have spent any time in recent months listening to Trump’s words in depth – and if you haven’t, you should – his  remarks to wanderinspeech at the Republican National Convention, for instance, veered from prepared musings.

* On Friday, he dedicated much of a news conference in New York about his legal problems to a recounting of old sexual misconduct allegations he has denied. It had the effect of reminding people about the allegations.
Trump's response to the child care question, the subject of some ribbing by his political opponents, could accurately be described as a ramble without an answer. It’s worth looking closer at an issue that affects so many Americans.

For more context, CNN’s Tami Luhby looked at the broad strokes of Trump’s general claim, that the new tariffs will pay for Americans’ child care, and found it is not at all clear how that would work. Read Luhby’s report.

Trump: "Well, I would do that. And we’re sitting down – you know, I was somebody – we had – Sen. Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka were so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue."


all based on or quoted or paraphrased}

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by Zachary B. Wolf

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