Exploring the Concept of the Subconscious Mind

Posted by Manisha Sharma
Aug 28, 2024

The subconscious is the state of mind beyond the conscious thought process of the human mind. It is a determinant of our actions, practices, attitudes, and feelings without our knowledge. It is invaluable to comprehend how the unconscious works as it can bring an understanding of oneself and development opportunities.

Key Characteristics

This is the part of the human mind that controls functions like breathing and heartbeat without requiring conscious thought. It also preserves all the memories and past experiences, including the ones that are either suppressed or erased. Most importantly, it defines how a person will act, develop behavioral patterns, and/or get emotionally charged in response to certain stimuli based on that stored memory or belief.

Major Functions

  • Information Processing: It is the part of the mind that receives input from the external environment and processes it to create our conscious beliefs.

  • Memory Storage: The subconscious comprises all life experiences, memories, feelings, and knowledge a human being has. This shapes the present-day conduct and responses.

  •  Influencing Behavior: Memories and past behaviors that are retained at the subconscious level change the responses, choices, and behavior. If negatively attacked for example by a dog one time, the subconscious can still produce fear regarding dogs.

  • Emotional Reactions: Emotions that are felt deeply implant themselves at the unconscious level and certain circumstances may bring out those feelings irrespective of the reason. 

Everyday Life Impact

The subconscious mind is involved in decision-making, behavior, emotions, self-image, and dreams among others. It involves recalling past experiences and using these to create an outlook towards the day, often subconsciously. Knowledge of these factors facilitates self-awareness.

Techniques to Access 

Certain techniques can help uncover subconscious contents:

  • 1. Hypnosis enhances concentration and uses suggestions to bring forth thoughts and memories that are otherwise not easily retrievable. This allows for the handling of issues.

  • 2. Meditation silences restlessness so that inner dialogue can take place with the self to gain self-knowledge. 

  • 3. Dream analysis focuses on conceptual content for understanding the dream state.

  • 4. Writing allows for the expression of thoughts and emotions originating within the person and the public journaling process.

  • 5. Visualization involves the use of pictures in the conscious mind to change the subconscious mind.

Applying Subconscious for Personal Development  

It is beneficial to learn how to apply this power and work on oneself to make a change for the better. The main areas that improve include:

  • Erasing the self-imposed and unconscious negative voice.

  • Eradicating unhealthy behaviors and replacing them with healthy ones.


  • Reducing the intensity of emotions by getting to understand their source.

  • Improving self-awareness of the operations of the self-acting behaviors. 

  • Building relationships by identifying patterns of relationships.

In conclusion, although it is not easy to understand, the subconscious mind can be explained through the above methods. The discovery of the inner person leads to personal changes in behaviors, patterns of thinking, habits, and so on. Understanding and handling of the subconscious therefore leads to a release of human potential.

For More Information

Visit - Concept of the Subconscious Mind

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