Beginner Mistakes You Must Avoid While Learning How to Ride a Motorbike

Posted by Keemo John
Aug 27, 2024

Every enthusiastic motorcyclist must begin somewhere. Even the guy with the most amazing vehicle in the town was only starting, and they were undoubtedly making the same mistakes as everyone else.

When you first start riding a motorbike in Motorcycle Training in London, it's normal to make newcomers' mistakes. However, when such mistakes endanger you or other people, it can be a cause for concern. Here, you will learn what mistakes one must avoid when learning how to run a motorbike:

Purchasing a motorbike first:

Some beginner riders purchase a bike before they even learn to ride because they are eager to begin their motorbike adventure. Additionally, they try to buy large ones to save money on a bike they might not want to use for more than a season. It's advised that you take your time, enrol in a riding course to learn how different bikes fit and plot, and then try different bikes to see which ones make you smile the most.


Stalling is the most prevalent mistake beginner motorcycle riders make on this list. Your motorcycle may stall incorrectly or at the wrong moments if you apply the clutch incorrectly. More practice rides are the simple remedy to deal with it. You should quickly find a solution to the stalling issue by honing your clutch control in various riding scenarios and an empty parking lot.

Ignoring to use or turn off indicators:

Though it is more common among inexperienced motorcycle riders unfamiliar with the turn indicators on that kind of vehicle, forgetting to use the blinker is a regular mistake all drivers make. However, be careful when you apply your indicator. To maintain the safety of the roads, other drivers must be informed when they plan to change lanes or make a turn.


The average vehicle's acceleration and the sensation of driving at a particular speed may have become second nature to you. Yet, because a motorcycle is distinct in size, weight, and construction, its acceleration rates and the sensation of reaching particular speeds would feel different.

Many inexperienced riders need to learn they are travelling faster than they are, which unintentionally causes them to exceed the speed limit. Always pay close attention to the speedometer of your new motorcycle, especially in the beginning.


First, judging distances when riding a motorcycle will be challenging. If this results in you unintentionally tailgating other drivers, that could be a concern. When you follow other drivers while driving, be mindful of how close you are. When you stop completely behind another car at an intersection, pay attention to it.

Final words:

If you avoid these mistakes, you can be highly confident in learning to ride a motorbike. Getting a license from proper CBT Training in London will make avoiding these mistakes easy.

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Comments (1)
Jane Leo


nice content very happy to read

Aug 27, 2024 Like it
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