7 Wine Fun Facts
Humans have been drinking for a very long
time. And one of the very first alcoholic beverages that they have had the
pleasure to take is wine. When talking about liquor in the Philippines, it’s
impossible for anyone not to mention the greatness that is wine. But do people
actually know what wine is?
To put it simply, wine is an alcoholic
drink made from the fermented juices of grapes. It can be made with any fruit,
but it has become a norm for wine to be made with wine grapes. As we all know,
wine is different from beer, and other alcoholic beverages. And along with that
difference come a number of interesting things to know about wine itself!
Wine can be Good for your Health
There are a number of studies that have
concluded that drinking red wine moderately is better for you than not drinking
any wine at all. In essence, almost everything inside wine that isn’t alcohol
or water is a kind of polyphenol, some of which include tannin, color pigment,
wine aromas, resveratrol, and a number of other plant compounds. Of these polyphenols,
the most abundant health-wise are procyanidins. These are type of condensed
tannin that is also found in dark chocolate and green tea! Red wine also
contains antioxidants that can lower incidences of cardiovascular disease and
type 2 diabetes.
Snake Wine
There are some restaurants and bars in
Vietnam that serve wine in a very special way. When you find one, ask the
waiter for a glass of cobra wine.
They’ll serve you rice wine covered with the blood of a snake that was killed
on the spot.
Wine is not something that people are
usually scared of. But that doesn’t mean nobody is scared of it. Oenophobia is
the irrational fear of wine and it usually has to do with the idea of
intoxication, lack of self-control, or the fear of getting embarrassed because
of being intoxicated.
Mixing red wine and coke is normal to a few
people, particularly in Spain! That being said, the concoction is called
Shape of a Wine Glass
Most wine glasses are specifically shaped
to accentuate the characteristics of the wine poured. The shape helps direct
wine to some areas of the tongue and nose so that they can be enjoyed to the
Wine cellar on the Titanic
Within the Titanic was a somewhat large
cellar filled with wine bottles and of course it all sank down with the ship.
When divers went down to the shipwreck, almost all of the bottles were
relatively unscathed, making it the oldest known wine cellar!
World’s Oldest Bottle of Wine
This relic can be found in a museum in
Germany. It’s over 1600 years old. It was said to be buried at around 350 CE
and was found again in 1867.
If you have a knack for liquor in the Philippines, then you probably enjoyed these fast fun facts about wine! It’s not all flashy and exciting, but wine is still one of the better alcoholic drinks out there!