7 Things to Know before you quit your job to travel the world

Posted by Adeel Akhter
Jun 8, 2017


The idea of quitting the job and becoming a full-time traveller seems quite fascinating. I mean, who wouldn’t love to travel the world and see gorgeous places full of beauty and charm instead of sitting in a boring office from 9-5?

There are many people out there who choose the travel lifestyle over high ranked jobs and successful careers. They give up on their dull routine and get on the road to experience the real thrill and excitement. But, if you think that this decision can be taken spontaneously, which most of the people do, then you’re taking this whole concept wrong!

You guys study hard for years to graduate in your chosen subjects to achieve your career goals. You get the desired job after continuous efforts and put your full potential in work to secure promotions and bonuses. Now think for a second, can you quickly drop it all in the spur of a moment to travel the world?

I say, go for a trial! Don’t quit your job but only take paid or nonpaid leave to go somewhere for 2-3 weeks and see what it feels like. You can book this experiment holiday with Thomas Cook Tour Company by visiting http://www.offateverything.com/store/thomas-cook/, and if you have a Thomas Cook promo code, then it’ll be even easier to set the trip budget. Once you live this travel experience, it’ll be easier for you to decide whether you want to quit or continue!

If this trial holiday leads you to seal your decision of quitting the job and setting a never ending journey, then it’s time that you know about few facts before taking any final step.

Here are those seven things  listed by OffAtEveryThing that every one of you must know before quitting your job to travel the world:

1.    Know yourself

The first and most essential thing to know is your self!

You have to know whether this is the kind of life you can handle or not. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself to conduct this process of self-assessment. For instance:

•    What makes me happy and satisfied?

•    Do I like travelling?

•    Do I have the stamina of becoming a full-time traveller?

•    What do I want to do with my life?

And so on.

After all, it’s going to be your decision and you’re the only person will be affected by it hence it’s important to consult your personality before any other thing.

Know your real ambition and what exactly you want to do with your life. Don’t quit your job just because you want an escape from 9-5 tough routine neither adopt travel lifestyle to enjoy its fake glamour. This is going to be a lifetime decision hence don’t become a fool at your own hands.

Learn about your interests, skills, and expertise to see how travelling can cater your needs. If you’re happy with your job and passionate about it, then don’t quit it for temporary attraction because you’ll regret it later. But if your current employment interests you zero percent and you have always been a road person, then this decision will serve you the best. 

All in all, you need to understand what you’re capable of and what your ultimate desires are to make a final decision!

2.    Know the reality of travel lifestyle

Even though a nomadic lifestyle is full of fun and excitement but if you think that it’s a life of luxury and glamour then you, my friend, need a real insight!

I would say, ‘Do not set your expectations too high to avoid disappointments.' Instead of fanaticizing, you should know about the realities of travel lifestyle such as:

•    No 24/7 travelling!

Even though you will be a full-time traveller but you will not travel 24/7! As a matter of fact, you need to earn as well hence you cannot always sit by the lake for fishing or roam here and there with a camera hanging from your neck. Even if you have a fat savings account, it will shrink with time, and you will be required to do some work for money. But still, it will be fun to work at beach side!

•    It might get frustrating

Being always on a move and frequent backpacking can become frustrating, especially if you do not enjoy packing items! As it’s not possible to purchase a house wherever you go, you will be renting places for accommodation according to your budget. 

•    Ups and downs

There will be many ups and downs, in fact, the ratio of downs may exceed. Flights can get delayed, your essential items might go missing, food poisoning can happen more frequently, and your pocket may get empty! But these all problems can be sorted out with strength and tolerance as beautiful scenes of gorgeous places worth a little struggle!

3.    Everything will not go as planned

It’s always better to plan your journeys, but you should know that everything will not go as planned!

For instance, if you have set a fixed duration of stay, there will be chances that it might extend or cut short due to some unexpected reasons. There is also a possibility that you will need to change your destination suddenly as a result of terrorist activity in hosting country. In short, as your all expectations cannot be fulfilled, your planning can also have some timely alterations so be prepared for that.

4.    Think of long term

Even though you’ve decided to quit your job to travel the world, you need to think for the long term! Travelling doesn’t stop you from being concerned regarding your future. You were not happy with your job, so you left it. It’s completely fine! But what now? Are you going to be on the road forever while doing nothing seriously but only earning few pennies through temporary jobs to afford primary expense? No, you have to think about it!

If you’re good at writing, become a travel blogger, fluent in English, become an English teacher, whatever you’re good at, make it your profession and travel.

Cleaning pools and volunteering for farms cannot be your ultimate future! 

5.    Journeys can be hard enough!

From far, it seems a thrilling experience to board a flight and land in a beautiful place, explore it and once you’re done, set off for a new destination and repeat the process!

But in actual, travelling can be extremely hard involving a lot of sacrifices and struggles. All you have to know is that if your journey is being hard on you, stand with courage and strength to face the challenge.

Sleep in tents, survive on available water and snacks and walk miles and miles to save on travelling expense, whatever it takes, you have to be prepared for all challenges to win the day!

6.    You cannot reverse the scenario

There is no reversing, no coming back and joining from the exact point you left!

You should know that once you’ll quit the job and set off a journey, there is no door left open that will allow you to start from where you left. Even if your employer admires your talents, he/she will not welcome you to join the same post with the same package. You’ll be required to start from the beginning or spend months on the job hunt. So, only quit if you can manage to continue with travel lifestyle.

7.    There will be sad days!

And at last, let me tell you that full-time travelling welcomes sad days now and then!

Who doesn’t love family, friends and close acquaintances? Being on an endless journey, we get to spend a little time with our loved ones and experience loneliness in their absence. This makes us sad and develops the urge of leaving travel lifestyle to go back to live a proper life with lovely relatives.

As we’re emotional creatures, this condition is quite normal and expectable. If you can handle being low at times, then continue with your decision and start exploring this magical world!


On the whole, I'm not of the opinion that everyone should quit a job to travel the world neither trying to alter your decision of quitting. But what I want to convey is that travelling is much more than visiting peaceful places and enjoying the thrilling exposure. A travel lifestyle has few demands and if you’re keen to explore this world, then keep these seven things in mind and begin your journey today!

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