7 Things any tester must know about the selenium automation testing

Posted by Jessica Cyrus
Aug 2, 2018
Selenium automation testing has become the talk of the town. More and more IT developers are making use of Selenium automation testing for testing their application. Selenium is indeed a very powerful tool, however, it is very time-consuming and requires expertise.

If you are looking to obtain expertise in Selenium the following are few of the things you should definitely know about Selenium Test Automation.

  1. Make use of an application user: Since Selenium automation testing makes use of test cases which are not easy to write and thus takes a lot of time, therefore it is important to develop an application user which represents the backend of the website and helps in the creation of the document. It helps in doing several things such as uploading images, adding team members etc.
  2. Make use of Application Driver: The application driver helps in the extension of web driver and the addition of Selenium action class. This would thus help in various actions such as dragging and dropping, execution of scripts. The classes appear to be something like a UML diagram which gives a pictorial explanation of all the activities.
  3. Using DOM Ids: Since software development is a continuous activity which consists of adding and removing codes regularly while testing, therefore, it is important to have something which helps in updating the activities. For this DOM IDs and page objects patterns help. With a specific ID, each and every element is recognized and identified easily without making the entire structure confusing.
  4. Developing a page object pattern: Selenium automation testing can be very confusing if every pattern and object are not properly named. With the help of DOM IDs, this is then taken care of, over and above, Page object Pattern helps in providing actionable items for every page. If this is sorted then it would not matter how many testers or developers are working on a common platform.
  5. Increase the reliability of test: Selenium test suffers from false negatives. The only solution for this is to retry the test again and again and even write fresh tests. This would prevent the Selenium test suite to get ahead of the browser. The first action is to wait for the system to react but even after waiting if there was a failure then it is better to retry with a fresh idea.
  6. Continue with tries and retries: Testing is all about finding out failures until a success is obtained. After doing a reliability test, it becomes more important to test the whole test suite. A test suites main function is to find out a failure and then start the test once again to find out fresh bugs. If the test suites fail regularly then Selenium automation testing will regard it as a poorly written test case.
  7. Keep the spirit high: Selenium is indeed difficult to work on and requires loads of enthusiasm and practice. Start with making a framework which provides reliability, flexibility and is scalable to work on.

You can contact an automation Software testing services providing company which can help you in testing your project or software or the web within the time you provide and the budget you can afford. If you have new points to tell here on this topic you can comment here. 

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