7 strategies to overcome talent crunch

Posted by TheHRSoft Inc
Aug 17, 2022

Last few years were extremely difficult year for hiring managers to find qualified employees. Due to a talent scarcity in the material handling and logistics sector brought on by expanding hiring requirements, it will be even harder this year. As a result, hiring managers are under pressure to discover the best applicants with the necessary hard and soft abilities.

This is why we'd like to share with you these seven excellent hiring techniques:

1. Identify the traits that your retainable staff share.

Finding out why important employees stick with your company is crucial. What common histories, abilities, or character traits do they share? List everything. Ask your staff members why they stay and what you can do to keep them by using confidential employee questionnaires. Your initial hiring decisions may be aided by their responses.

2. Overcome the talent shortage.


You will need to alter where and how you look for talent if the pool of candidates currently on the market falls short of the need. Begin with your rivals. Can you convince their best employees to join your business? Also think about extending your net. If you used to be able to uncover important talent within a 50-mile radius but that has changed, broaden your search—even to thinking internationally. You'll also need to exercise your creative side. Use telecommuters, independent contractors, consultants, or even retired CEOs who are amenable to working a reduced schedule.

3. Create a talent pipeline even when no positions are open.

To find people who can be regularly developed and contacted as openings occur, a talent pipeline should be created. A long-term sourcing strategy must be put in place for a number of crucial reasons, including to build relationships with potential candidates, reduce the hiring cycle, enhance the interviewing process, and reduce business disruption.

4. Make use of social media and mobile technologies.

According to current estimates, 90% of job seekers use mobile devices to look for new employment opportunities. Mobile recruiting must become a key component of employers' hiring strategies as they adjust. They ought to use time to initially evaluate applicants and publish job openings on mobile-friendly job board. Employers need to use social media as well as mobile techniques. Find out which social media sites are being used by the applicants you want for the position, and contact them there. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the most well-liked.

5. Promote your business as a "Best Place to Work."

Do some research on the various award categories that are open to your business. Being included on a "Best of" list for workplaces can help with retention and recruitment. Getting these kinds of recognition might help to promote your business as a successful, exciting place to work. This will not only increase the amount of people interested in working for your company, but it will also raise staff morale and pride.

6. Openness during the hiring procedure.

Greater focus on detail is necessary in the transparent talent acquisition era of today. This entails writing a detailed job description, outlining the reasons the position is open, making it simple for top candidates to speak with potential coworkers, being upfront about the drawbacks of the position (such as long hours), and being open and honest about any potential delays in the hiring process. When an organisation is open and honest with candidates, it truly stands out.

7. Establish connections with trustworthy recruiters.

It makes sense to get in touch with a renowned, sector-specific recruiter because they can raise your chances of finding the ideal candidates with the necessary expertise and qualifications. Top recruitment agency can help you save time and money, especially if you have a position that is difficult to fill because they have a wide network of the best performers in the sector. Additionally, all information provided is kept private.



The strategies that internal recruiters and recruiting managers use to attract and keep highly competent people are probably under examination, regardless of the size or location of a company. Reviewing, analysing, and redesigning them has moved to the top of the priority list.

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