7 Reasons That Make ReactJS Development A Popular Choice

Posted by Gary Ferguson
Sep 17, 2020
The tech world is full of advanced technologies, front-end frameworks, and libraries with different purposes to fulfill. Thus, it is really important to understand the project requirement to choose the best possible solution. React JS Development Services is becoming popular and is widely used because of the JavaScript library that provides amazing UI and one-way data for better understanding and control throughout the app. Hire a web application development company that can help you with ReactJS development.

ReactJS is easy to learn and developers enjoy working with it as well. Many major brands also use ReactJS to run their apps like Netflix, Facebook, etc. ReactJS comes with its own advantages that make it the most chosen technology.

Reason #1- ReactJS Allows Merging of Context API with High-Order-Component (HOC)

ReactJS offers a content API in exchange for the information. It passes the acquired data from the parent component. ReactJS helps in merging the Context API with HOC in order to evade passing props. HOC lets ReactJS reuse the component logic and function by taking one component and by returning a new component.

Reason #2- The Lazy Loading

It delays the load of an object when needed and ReactJS applications can be helped to optimize the loading time. ReactJS here obtains only the information that is needed, it saves bandwidth and loading time by conveying the content upon request.

Reason #3- Code Splitting

Code-splitter allows users to download the part of the application that they want. The application here is divided into bundles that are extracted out of chunks, to manage the process internally.

Reason #4- Developer Tools

ReactJS utilizes advanced DevTools:

Redux is known for application management, it manages the entire application into a single immutable object.

Code Sandbox provides configuration options that make the code focus on the development of the application. It does most of the configurations making the system easy to work on.

Storybook is used to create UI components and to view the various states of each & every element.

Cosmos DevTool is used to build scalable, reliable, and high-quality UI. Cosmos makes it easier to build & post component libraries.

React-Bootstrap is highly used to build a UI foundation.

React Belle on the other hand provides exciting kits of React UI which comprises customized styles for mobile & desktop.

Reason #5- SEO Performance

JS-based SPA is used by developers to overcome the concerns related to full page loading. Facebook, Yahoo, Netflix, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. among many other brands use ReactJS to resolve the page load issues and to boost their online business more efficiently. For any reactjs development company, this is the common thing that a client focuses on.

Reason #6- JavaScript XML

JavaScript XML is used to create react elements that are then rendered to the react DOM. Developers usually prefer it as a visual aid while they work with JS code.

Reason #7- Context API & Context in React

Context API is used to create global variables, these variables can be used everywhere in a React app. Context uses Redux for a lighter solution for state management.

These are just a few of the advantages that developers leverage to build high-level solutions. ReactJS has gained its popularity and is widely used among developers globally. It has a strong community that is always resolving the issues and updating the technology with better features & functionalities.

Create the most interactive UIs with and impress the client base. The front-end ecosystem is constantly evolving and ReactJS is ever-updating itself. It is advanced, responsive, and non-risky technology to build large-scale & user-friendly applications for businesses. Startups can gain more with ReactJS as it helps them build long-term solutions and can also later change according to business logic.

The main goal of ReactJS or React JS Development Services is that it handles the entire process of writing components and also provides advanced developers tools to efficiently manage the development process. It's best to opt for an experienced Web Application Development Company so that a powerful solution can be built.

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