6 Tips That Help to Solve and Handle Employee Attendance Issues Effectively

Posted by Margaret Jones
May 24, 2019

A right team is the key component of every business. If you are a businessman and you are dealing with employee attendance issues, addressing them head-on is essential.

Scheduling conflict is one of the big reasons that lead to these attendance issues. If you want to solve such issues at your organization, then you must assess where the problems are, how you need to resolve them along with invest in state-of-the-art employee attendance software that automates this process and take away a big load off your head. By utilising the employee attendance software effectively you can reduce the number of human errors that occur.

Apart from that, there are some other highly effective methods that you must use to solve employee attendance issues, like mentioned below:

1.       Attendance Record Must be Monitored and Checked

Having an employee attendance sheet is the best way to spell out your policy and as well as reporting process that employees should follow if they are late or absent.  Many companies abide by the three strike policies when it comes to excessive absence and unpunctuality. Not any business owners want to fire an employee, but when an employee can’t seem to show up for work after being warned multiple times then you need to replace them with someone who is punctual.

2.       Take Time to Collect Evidence

If you are in the process of scheduling a meeting with the employee to talk about their absence and work then before going to the meeting, you need time to collect the evidence. This evidence will also show your employees how serious you are about them. In the meeting, you will also listen to what your employees are saying to you. If they have a reason why they have been absent then you need to rethink about them.

3.       Show Your Concern

If an employee is suddenly missing a lot of work, then the chances are they are dealing with some personal issues. If the person is a valued employee, then you need to show a little bit concern for them.

4.       Open Up a Discussion

You should give your employees a chance to explain and offer a solution. And also ask them if there is something happening that’s causing them to be late or miss so much work? See if there is something you can do to help them?

5.       Keep Lines of Communication Open

If an employee needs to miss the work because of some personal issue, then you need to ensure they can comfortably talk to you. Make sure that not only keeping lines of communication open reduce the absences; it can also make your company run in a better condition. You can invest some time in meeting with each of your employees to check up with them.

6.       Call in the Pros When Necessary

When an employee is absent due to a health condition or any other problems then it may be wise to consult with the HR professional, because this situation needs to be handled delicately.

You should always keep these steps in your mind, it’ll help to put the brakes on absenteeism and also make your company much happier and more productive workplace. Along with these steps, make use of employee attendance software to effectively manage employee attendances.

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