5 Witty English Sayings That Have Come Down the Ages

Posted by Benjamin Patry
Aug 3, 2020

“A proverb is the wit of one, and the wisdom of many.” – Lord John Russell (Former British Prime Minister)

Proverbs are used to uphold universal truths or facts. They are carried down the ages verbally and can perhaps be called as a talisman of time. This is because they remain the same forever no matter how old they may be. And this is why knowing them means to know our language better.

If you are a non-native English speaker trying to learn English, learning such famous English sayings lets other native English speakers have a favorable impression about you. The fact that you know them will make you confident. Here, we shall be talking about 5 such sayings. Each of these witty sayings is a moral in itself and should be applied by everyone in their lives including you.

Here are 5 witty English sayings that have come down the ages:

  •         “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Revenge has always been one of man’s basic instincts. However, needless to say, revenge is futile. This is where this proverb comes in. If someone wrongs you, with revenge in mind doing the same to him or herdoes not make you right. Neither does it sort things out. It only makes matters worse.  If you are looking for famous proverbs in English, This is certainly one of them.

  •         “The pen is mightier than the sword.” 

History is proof that many revolutions have begun with poets and writers at the forefront. This only shows the extent to which words can influence us. And this proverb, one of the most famous proverbs in English, upholds the fact. Trying to convince people with words and ideas has always been more effective than threatening or forcing them to do what is intended.

  •         “When in Rome, do as the Romans.” 

This proverb carries culture with it. A quite popular of English sayings, this means that when you visit a different place with different culture, you should follow that culture as much as you can without hurting the sentiments of the people of that culture. So, although Rome has been used in the proverb, any other cultural place can be used instead of it.

  •          When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” 

One of the most famous proverbs in English, this one is for everyone. We all face adversities in life and what makes us human is our ability to bear them and come out victorious. But it requires a lot of courage. The proverb says that when situations turn difficult, the people who are strong stay headstrong. When they face difficulty, they work harder. That’s all there is, that’s all there will be.

  •          “A picture is worth a thousand words.” 

Pictures, just like words, have the ability to speak ideas. Many art movements have taken place in his try like Cubism, Surrealism, Impressionism, and more, all of which have had a great impact on the generation of the time. And this proverb will always be true as long as humanity exists.

There are many websites that offer English lessons including proverbs, sayings, phrases like hindsight is 2020 or hindsight is 20/20, grammar and more along with audio lessons. All you have to register and you will speak English like a pro in no time.

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