5 Top Causes of Bladder Control Woes in Women

Posted by Wellness Briefs
Jan 29, 2016
While looking around for the best adult diapers, or asking for help of a physician, you will get to know that there are many causes behind incontinence. These include and are not limited to:

Weak muscles: In most cases, it’s weak pelvic muscles that lead to bladder control problems. These muscles are responsible for holding the bladder in place and often get over-stretched as a result of child, miscarriage, or birth pregnancy. The other muscles that may also get weakened over time are the sphincters—muscles that are instrumental in keeping the bladder shut until you urinate.

Nerve damage: There are certain kinds of nerve damages that end up sending the wrong signals to the bladder at the wrong time, thus causing stress on the same and causing urine leakages without prior warning. Also, in some cases, damaged nerves fail to send any signal at all, leaving the brain clueless with regards to when the urinary bladder is full. Diseases such as Diabetes, and trauma, may cause such nerve damages.

Alcohol, medicines, and caffeine: Leakages may also take place when over-consumption of caffeine, medicines or alcohol starts affecting the nerves or muscles. Coffee, cola, and other caffeinated drinks are responsible for filling up the bladder quickly, thereby leading to untimely leaks.

Infection: Urinary tract infections also irritate bladder nerves and may cause the organ to start squeezing urine without warning.

Excess weight: Overweight women apply more pressure on their bladder, thereby contributing in a large way to leakages.

This article "5 Top Causes of Bladder Control Woes in Women" originally published on Livejournal.com
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