5 tips before buying a spy app

Posted by Spymaster Pro
Jul 3, 2019
It’s a Sunday, and you are having dinner with your family, but your son refuses to come out of his room citing sickness. It’s the third day in a row though, and you are having doubts, your wife and your daughter are thinking the same.

Later on, you try to ask him with trick questions but get no proper response from him. Finally, your daughter tells you about his late night visit last night to a mysterious friend. You try to look at his phone, but it’s locked. This is making you restless but what can you do?

This is a boat many parents find themselves in. Ever since the late ’90s, technology has only grown in size as well as in scope. In a way, you can say that smart-phones rule the planet and almost every person has at least one. Nowadays, even toddlers are surfing sites like YouTube.

Living in such a reality can often get you anxious. You may be worried about who your kids are communicating with or what kind of activities they do when you are in your office. The same technology that connects also creates barriers and distractions.

The youngsters are the most susceptible to these side effects of technology as they are the most curious users. But even adults are not far behind? They start acting callous and cheat on their partners. There could be so many legitimate reasons to buy a cell phone spy software.

5 Tips before you buy a Spy App

Buying a spy app becomes a vital decision as you invest not just your money but your valuable time too. Things get pretty stressful for you to use the last step measure such a spy app on your loved one and you need it to be a smooth operation.

Let’s go through 5 important tips to keep in mind before you choose a Spy App that works for you:-

1. Invisible Mode
One of the topmost reasons people use a spy app is that it is not visible on the target phone and doesn’t alert the target user of his activities being spied upon. So, this feature should be the first thing you should while deciding which mobile spy software to buy for your needs. 

This ‘Stealth mode’ becomes necessary to work and not showing on the home screen of the mobile you are spying on. This will allow the spy app to work on the target mobile without the owner of the mobile realizing that he is being spied on.

2. Compatibility
There are many spy apps in the market for all your spying needs but what becomes one of the most important features in a spy app is its compatibility. Most of the spy apps are compatible with the latest versions of Android and iOS. You need to select the spy software that works perfectly on your device.

3. After Installation Service
While every monitoring software promises to be the best spy app for iPhone and Android in their claims does their execution follows after you bought their software? Here is where the after installation service of a company kicks in and really matters in the long run.

Many companies only provide service to your purchase and are just there to make money. This can be a big problem as sometimes you may get a little confused while using the spy app and you may need customer support from the company. A good after-sales service will come in handy.

4. Website of the Company
Even the smallest of businesses in this day and age have a website to promote their business outside their local customers. Thus, you need a good look at the website of the company that is promoting the spy app you are looking into.

The website you are looking for must give a professional look and should have all the necessary information, like contact information, product information, FAQ’s, etc. It should have been recently updated with product details, upgrades, etc.

5. Cost-Effective
Another important aspect of buying a cell phone spy software is how cost-effective the spy app is for you overall. You need to keep in mind your budget before you decide to buy the spy app. You can check with the features you need and if the app suits your budget. This will allow you to make the most cost-effective choice.

3 Best Spy Apps

The mobile monitoring market is filled with plenty of spy apps and all of them make tall claims to somehow coax you into buying their product. Though it’s important to differentiate the best from the herd that is full of only promises but offer little in terms of results. Let’s go the best three of these spy apps in the market:-

1. Spymaster Pro
Spymaster Pro is one of the leading mobile spy software companies as certified by technical experts and satisfied customers on review sites. It is quite affordable and is compatible with the latest versions of both Android and iOS.

It has 24*7 customer care in multiple languages. It works in stealth mode and the target user never realizes the phone is being spied on. It is also quite affordable at a starting price of 5.99$ per month.
2. mSpy
It is a popular cell phone monitoring software for Android and iOS. It has some good range of features but requires rooting for iOS. It is costly at the starting price of 16.66$ per month.

3. Spyzie
Spyzie is a well-known cell phone monitoring software for Android and iOS. All of its features don’t work in iOS as claimed. It is also expensive at the starting price of 29.99$ per month.

Installation Guide for Android

Let’s show you how you can Install Spymaster Pro on an Android device with step by step explanation. The process is almost an exact replication for other spy apps too.

Go through the steps written below to install Spymaster Pro on an Android phone

Important Note: You need to go to Settings ˃ Google ˃ Security ˃ Google Play Protect

Here, you need to disable the option of improve harmful app detection and then scan the device for security threats

1st Step:- Go to ‘Settings’ in the cell phone menu. Once in the menu, go to the ‘Security’ option and click ‘Unknown sources’. It is important to enabling the ‘Unknown sources’ option shown below or the software won’t work properly.

2ND Step:- Click on this to download this APK file

3rd Step:- The application will begin downloading and checking the progress is easy by taking a look at the notification bar in the device.

4th Step:- Once, the download is complete you can click on the sm.apk in the notification bar of the device.

5th Step:- Next, permission request for System Process will be visible

6th Step:- Now, the download process will begin by the application. You can check progress in the notification bar of the device.

7th Step:- Once the download is complete you need to click on sm.apk which will be in the notification bar of the device

8th Step:- Permission request for System process will be visible, where you will click on Next.

9th Step:- The open option will be there and you need to tap on it after the application is installed

10th Step:- To complete the process of Installation, tap on continue

11th Step:- You need agree to the terms and conditions for using the software by when you tap on Accept

12th Step:- Two options will be visible to you now. You can choose to either hide or show the icon. 

13th Step:- In this step, registration code has to be entered that is provided in your control panel

14th Step:- Tap Activate option to allow System Task to perform certain operations

The decision to buy a spy is often not an easy one. You are having serious doubts about a loved one and it is obviously making you very restless. It could be your spouse having an affair or your child facing bullying. Either way, you want a quality cell phone spy software to monitor their daily activities and get some much-needed clarity. Go through the list above and make your choice.

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