5 Things to know about premature skin ageing
While skin of all ages is attractive, the passage of time can reduce the healthiness factor of your skin. Hence, it is important to minimise these practices that can cause early skin ageing to maintain your complexion firm, bright and smooth.
What factors contribute to premature skin ageing?
There are two sorts of ageing when it comes to your skin. The first is referred to as intrinsic ageing, and it is the natural ageing process. When this happens, you may notice that your facial skin becomes thinner and drier, and wrinkles begin to appear. When this sort of skin ageing begins is largely determined by genetics. Then there's extrinsic ageing, which occurs when your skin ages prematurely as a result of your environment and lifestyle choices.
Let's look at some of the most prevalent 5 lifestyle decisions that might induce skin ageing and wreak havoc on your youthful skin.
Excessive sun exposure
You may enjoy the bronzed glow that a day in the sun provides, but your skin will not appreciate it. To begin, there's the issue of skin cancer to consider. However, when it comes to generating wrinkles, sun damage is one of the most common causes. UV radiation has been discovered to impair the skin's elastic characteristics, causing it to droop and wrinkle.
Not cleaning your bedsheets
We understand that owing to a demanding schedule, changing the pillow covers and bedsheets may slip your mind. But did you know that with time, dust particles, dead skin, and other particles tend to get caught on your bed fibres? Sleeping on old linen can lead to acne, rashes, inflammation, and other skin problems, including premature skin ageing and damage.
Cigarette smoking
Smoking is hazardous for you for a variety of reasons, one of which is accelerated ageing. Tobacco usage reduces collagen formation while increasing the production of harmful chemicals like tropoelastin and matrix metalloproteinases.
Your skin is dehydrated if you don't drink enough water. Higher alcohol consumption also dehydrates the body and your skin gradually starts drying excessively resulting in premature ageing.
No consistent skincare routine:
An inconsistent skincare programme will only produce partial or no effects. Following a night-time skincare routine only twice a week, for example, will not provide the same level of benefit to the skin as a daily programme. Aside from being consistent, it's also critical to be adaptable and adjust your skincare on a seasonal basis. During the winter, for example, the need for a long-lasting moisturiser may be greater than during the summer.
How to prevent premature ageing
How to care for your skin and prevent future premature ageing? You can slow down your skin’s ageing process and promote healthier skin by implementing a few simple lifestyle changes. Here are a few ideas to think about trying.
Always use SPF
Exposure to the sun's damaging rays might infiltrate your skin even on a cloudy day. Apply sunscreen to any exposed skin whenever you're outside.
Eat healthy food
Antioxidant-rich foods may improve skin suppleness and prevent it from injury and premature ageing. To avoid outward indications of ageing, it's critical to pay attention to what you consume. Green leafy vegetables are a great way to get healthy skin. Green tea and olive oil can also be included in your diet.
Daily exfoliation
As previously said, skin dryness can cause wrinkles and a worsening of your skin's appearance. Using a high-quality, exfoliator, in addition to drinking lots of water, will help keep skin appearing plump and youthful. To get the most out of it, you should use it twice every week.