5 Things in Hotel Room that are Filthy Dirty & Should be Avoid Touching

Posted by Aleema Begham
May 8, 2017

Hotel rooms are squeaky clean but there’s a catch here; they are the dirtiest and rank below in hygiene than a public place or even our home kitchens. Most of the hotels have very less turnaround time for cleaning staffs to get the room in order, and so they just leave cleaning of items like your drinking glasses, phones, etc. So if you have done your hotel booking and are looking forward to the vacation, then keep the below in mind. You cannot completely ignore them but can avoid touching them.

The 5 things you should always avoid touching when you're staying in a hotel room:

Remote Control

Beware when you’re touching the TV remotes, before you click. It is one of the dirtiest items in your hotel rooms with very high levels of bacteria and gems.

How to avoid - Take a minute to calm your gag reflex and always remember to pack your own container of disinfecting wipes. Give the TV Remote a swipe before using it.

In-Room Phones

Believe it or not, in-room telephones are teeming with a lot of bacteria cells and germs, which may cause viral infections like cold, cough, fever, etc. Guests who touch telephone keypad before they make a call for room service and also breathe into them. This is one of the items in hotel rooms, where the cleaning staff doesn't always disinfect.

How to avoid - If you’re looking to avoid the cold and flu, always carry disinfectant wipes along with you and wipe down the phone before use. Wash your hand after the use.

Pillowcases & Comforters

Guests need to check the bed mattress and comforter before sleeping in it. In a lot of hotels, pillowcases and comforters are not washed as often as bed sheets. So it's very rare that those duvet covers get washed.

How to avoid -

If possible, carry your own pillow, an extra blanket and roll down the comforter when you get into your hotel room. If not possible, spread a bed sheet on the pillow and comforter.

The Main Light Switch

The main light switch and bedside lamp switch are the mostly touched places by guests, which makes them two of the dirtiest places in your room.

How to avoid - It's something you can't really avoid during your stay in hotel room. Just make sure to wash your hands with cleansing gel after use.

The Bathroom Floor, Sink & countertops

Be careful before touching the bathroom sinks, and countertops. The highest levels of bacteria and germs exist in the mops and sponges used to clean bathrooms.

How to avoid -Make sure to use your own antibacterial wipes or you can also spray down these areas with a disinfecting spray.

Hygiene Tips

  • Always wash your hands with soap or cleansing gel and warm water

  • Clean the TV remote, in-room phone, and the interior doorknob with a germicidal wipe

  • Wear flip flops or slippers at all times, during your stay in hotel room

Keep a sanitizer handy and be safe and healthy on your next vacation. Prevention is better than cure - remember this always.

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