5 star Hajj Packages 2019 | alhijaztours.com
The Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah). It is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world. It is the fifth pillar of Islam, an obligation that must be carried out at least once in one's lifetime by every Muslim who reached puberty and can afford it physically and financially and safely. It is a demonstration of the solid the minimum days through Hajj must be performed is the 8th through the 12th or the 13th of the Islamic month of Zil-Hajj. Hajj is a wonderful experience, as several million people of all nationalities and backgrounds worship together. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) lead the great group of Muslims and come for Hajj and that is first official Hajj in Islamic History. This is a great worship place built on the name of Allah.
The main rituals of Hajj include:
1. Spending a day according to rule
(the 9th day month of Zil-Hajj) in Arafat, a site near to Makkah, where all of
a pilgrim's sins are forgiven, per Allah will and promise.
2. Spending that night in a nearby
valley, called Muzdalifah.
3. Stoning pillars symbolizing evil spirits,
to affirm the personal rejection of the devil and his minions.
4. Performing tawaf: circling the
Kaaba in Makkah. The Kaabah, an ancient stone building, was first constructed
by Prophets Abraham and Ismail (Ishmael.)
5. Spending the night in another valley,
6. Sacrificing a sheep in thanksgiving for
having been able to perform Hajj. (The meat is distributed to poor people
internationally.) During the Hajj, a pilgrim wears special clothing called
"ihram." arity of the Muslim people, and their submission to Allah.
5-star Hajj package 2019
Al-Hijaz offers the 5-star Hajj
package 2019 with all comfort and reliabilities. Hajj package 2019 design with different categories ranging.Hajj Packages 2019 is
offered to full fill our customer’s values.
If you live in U.K you can perform Hajj with great satisfaction and
comfort. You don’t worry about the facilities and comfort.
You can perform Hajj at once last of
the year, we must be developing guidelines for you how to perform Hajj and
visit the Holy Places in Makkah and Madina. You can explore excellent Hajj
Packages 2019 in the UK, on reservations of hotels near the Makkah and Madina. Al-Hijaz
is the best place for Hajj Packages to perform the Hajj. You must feel amazing
to see Arafat with your open eyes where we will gather at the last Day of
Al-Hijaz tries its best to offer
reasonable and economic packages for all Muslims. We provide you religious
Scholars for your gaudiness according to Surah and Hades for your better
Information about Hajj Manasik. You just enjoy the package and comfort and
offer of Hajj. We like to serve you for your satisfaction, happiness, and
comfort during Hajj. So you can try easily; our staff member must contact you
as soon as possible and guide you for further details. You just feel free and
easy while feeling the form.
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