5 Reasons why your Blog Post Isn't Ranking on Search Engines
Blog posts not only improve ranking of a website, but also generate traffic and convert the traffic into customers. When your posts rank organically on top, you will start getting clients as well from your blogs. You invest your time and resources in order to make your blog posts unique and exclusive in the industry.
When your blog posts are not ranking organically, you will lose your organic traffic. Now, it is confirmed as well that organic traffic improves ranking of a website. If your blogs are struggling to get organic rankings and drive traffic, then it is quite impossible to improve sales and grow your company.
There are many benefits of writing blogs regularly. Blogs keep your potential customers engaged in your website and invite them to visit your website regularly. Nowadays, blogging has become as one of the best ways of establishing communication with existing and potential customers. Marketers use it for restoring online reputation as well.
Here are some of the reasons why blog posts are not ranking properly on Google search results.
1. Lack of social media presence
Make your posts viral by sharing on different social media channels. Apart from traffic to your website, you improve branding of your organization. Some popular and frequently used social media channels are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Plus. These popular social media sites are noticeable and will generate social signals, which has a direct effect on Google rankings. Search engines notice social media activities.
2. Absence of link building strategy
While publishing your blog posts, ensure that you have a proper internal and external link building strategy in place. You must interlink with your previous posts to increase page visits and improve your website’s SEO. On the other hand, you should also link out to authority sites in order to keep your readers in loop.
3. When you are new
Search engines take time to recognize new blogs and index them properly. The more time your blog has been around, the more likely your blog posts will be indexed by search engines, including Google. While updating blogs, try to have lengthy content as Google loves it. Do not forget to optimize keywords, meta titles and descriptions to support your SEO strategies.
4. Forget to building link to the post
Link building has been considered as a number one activity to improve rankling of a website. Once you upload a blog post, do not forget to promote it online. Write content and link back to the post, this way you will improve ranking of it.
5. Write readable content
If the content is not interesting and readable, then you have increased chance to improve your bounce rate. So, try to write scannable and readable content. Such content will be loved by your readers and search engines. Using images, headers, sub-headers, line breaks, and bulleted lists are just a few things one can do to improve both readability and engagement.
Final thoughts
Bit cautiousness while writing and uploading blogs will help you get them ranked on search engines. Organic ranking is a must to get traffic and convert it into a paying customer. SEO Content India hopes that these tips will help you greatly. If still you have any confusion or doubt, let us know. Our webmasters remain round the clock available to help our readers.
We offer blog writing services for national and international customers from diverse industries. We have different teams for different industries.