5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Group Study in CBSE Schools

Posted by SSVM World School
Mar 6, 2024

Everyone learns differently. This is why the best CBSE syllabus school in Coimbatore takes into account varying learning styles. For example, one student may absorb information better when presented with charts and diagrams, while another tends to get better scores after listening to an educational video.

Moreover, a child may feel more motivated when studying in a group, compared to if they tried reading their textbook at home. Study groups are valuable learning tools for kids who prefer to learn with others. Here’s why you should consider sending your kids to a study group in CBSE syllabus schools in Coimbatore:

·        Prevent procrastination

You might assume that being in a room with their friends will only prevent your child from concentrating, but in reality, it’s the opposite. For instance, if your child forms a study group with their classmates, they will feel more motivated to ace an upcoming test.

Plus, study groups provide a good source of peer pressure for each member. During these sessions, your child will feel more compelled to contribute to the group and avoid being late.

·        Encourage discussion and collaboration.

The best thing about study groups is that they push students to communicate with each other. This will allow your child to gain a perspective they haven’t explored before, especially for topics that they struggle with.

Students may even learn a thing or two from their group mates. For example, group members can compare notes, discuss study methods, and share techniques for solving different questions.

·        Save time

If your child is stressing over a question they can’t answer, they don’t need to wait for the next class schedule to consult with their teacher. Instead, a group study session over the weekend will help them arrive at the conclusion they need, giving your child more time to focus on other topics.

·        Reduce boredom

Studying alone can become monotonous, and when your child gets bored, they are more likely to procrastinate. In comparison, learning with a group is more enjoyable and provides kids with a more relatable support system.

·        Experience real-life situations

Regardless of your child’s future career, they will end up working with different people and encounter various perspectives. Group study is a great way for kids to develop their social skills and manage conflict.


Give your little one the opportunity to meet new people and form healthy relationships by enrolling them in a high-ranking CBSE syllabus school in Coimbatore!


About the Institution:

SSVM World School in Coimbatore is co-educational and affiliated to CBSE 2024-25, Delhi with English as a medium of instruction. They offer a systematic blend of innovative teaching methodology, steady progression, and spirituality in education. They have a perfect ambiance to inspire learners with the most comprehensive system of holistic education. The main aim of SSVM World School is to impart the best CBSE education to students. For more information visit the website!

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