5 obstacles in writing an essay
Academic tasks are commonly assigned to every student studying in school or college. Writing a an essay or other academic paper is a time-consuming job that comes with some challenges.
Students often delay their essay writing task due to lack of confidence and become panicky and when the deadline approaches. There can be many reasons for this delay in work.
Have you ever tried to identify the reasons behind your procrastination or lack of motivation? If not, the following are a few specific problems most students face when assigned with thesis work.
This is a very serious issue among students. Sometimes students don’t even know that they are going through procrastination and they feel convince in Buying Assignment Help. Even the most disciplined students tend to defer and procrastinate their essays and thesis writing. Either they are unsure of what to write about and keep on staring at the blank pages in terror or they actually don’t want to start writing and make excuses to themselves that there are a lot more things to do and they will do this essay writing task later.
It is advisable to start well before the deadline to collect proper information and analyze the research materials peacefully. Deferring your work will not only result in a poor grade card but also leave you confused and panicky. Students who wait until the last minute face greater more difficulties in writing and end up buying essay help online.
Construction of a solid argument
Students often feel confused when presented with different opinions about the topic they are working on. It is important to have sufficient knowledge about the points that are in the favor and not in favor of your argument. By knowing both sides of the argument, looking at your thesis from a different point of views and having knowledge of several perspectives will increase the weight and validity of your essay’s argument.
Conducting proper research
The success of your essay completely depends on having access to the right resources and materials. Gathering information from several journals, books, articles, online sources or field studies is mandatory to write a strong essay.
Be assured about the credibility of the sources from where you collected the information because there are chances that sometimes the information may be wrong and you may end up believing in that wrong data. It will result in the loss of your points when checked by the professor.
Ask your teacher to guide you and recommend the relevant books and articles if you do not have the time or proper knowledge about the credible sources. You can also get assistance from an online essay writer. The college library provides you with several books and research work related to plenty of topics. Also, it is considered to be the most reliable collection of content.
Choosing a topic
Teachers assign the students with the topic to write an essay for while sometimes students are free to choose any topic. It is very essential to choose a topic that is interesting and also you must find it challenging to research for. Very few students come with a clear and certain idea about an essay in university courses. Most of the students take time to reach a new and different idea. The essay prompt must be specific and new so that the reader takes interest to know about the answer to that question. As professors always prefer unique essay paper, it becomes compulsory to choose a fresh topic on which extensive research hasn’t been conducted yet.
Go through a minute’s detail of every aspect of your topic and choose the one that interests you the most. You can also consult with your teacher or avail essay help for the few options you have found to be interesting. Your teacher would help you to choose the one best suited for you.
Citation and referencing
Ensuring proper citation of all the books, journals, and other sources are mandatory for an essay paper. Not maintaining the bibliography from the beginning, when you started writing the paper, will increase your troubles manifold during submission. Note down all the books, journals and other sources from where you are taking the direct information and you will need to refer all of those sources. Bookmark the websites you will need to cite in your essay. Figuring out the chunks of paragraphs that need citation will be very difficult once you finish writing your essay paper. You can also hire who has an expertise in citation process.
General advice for you is that schedule your timetable in such a way that you dedicate a few hours only for essay writing task every day. Start working early on your essay to develop a clear perspective on each of its aspects. Stop procrastinating, cut out the distractions, clear your head and ask for guidance immediately when you get stuck. After the completion of the thesis, you should edit and proofread your document.
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