5 Myths that Hinder Productivity in Property Management

Posted by Mitch Vinnitsky
Dec 20, 2019
5 Myths that Hinder Productivity in Property Management

In our previous posts we’ve covered several topics relating to productivity in property management and eliminating some of the common interruptions that hinder it. Oftentimes, however, people don’t even realize that some of their long held beliefs and assumptions about time management and productivity are false, and the result of these beliefs can actually be further diminishing their efficiency at work. Here are 5 such myths that hinder productivity.Myth: I am fielding way too much information – that’s why I can’t keep up.

Reality: The number of emails in your inbox isn’t what’s slowing you down. It’s how you handle this influx of information. If you aren’t properly processing and organizing your email in an efficient manner, the data may be controlling you rather than you controlling the data.

Solution: Create folders so that you can organize and prioritize your email by level of importance. Then set aside uninterrupted time each day during which you will tackle your inbox. Go through each email one at a time, in the order it came in and file each one into its designated folder. ***

Boost the productivity of your property management business with The Property Manager’s Guide to Maximizing Productivity.

Myth: I have to keep everything, just in case I need it down the road.

Reality: The fact is people really only use a small percentage of what they file. If you’re constantly battling the urge to store every document you come into contact with, you’re most likely wasting valuable time.

Solution: By identifying what data is useful and important and letting go of the rest, you can effectively develop a streamlined, efficient and functional filing system. This will make it easier and faster to locate what you need when you need it, saving valuable time and energy that can be better spent on more important tasks.(Here’s a helpful article with tips on effective file management.) ***

Organization is boring and hinders my creativity.

Reality: Some people are simply just more spontaneous by nature and therefore tend to view formal organization as something that cramps their style. Contrary to this belief, organization actually fosters and supports spontaneity and creativity. It’s the disorganized data running amok in your head that can disrupt your creativity, there by slowing productivity by making it harder to focus.

Solution: By using something as simple as a web-based task manager you can remove all the clutter from your mind and place into an organized list from which to work. This frees up your mind and allows you to concentrate on completing the important tasks on your to-do list in an efficient manner. ***

Myth: There’s simply not enough time in the day to get everything done.

Reality: You can’t change the dials on the clock, however you do have the ability to control how you use the time you’re given each day.

Solution: Create detailed to-do lists and prioritize each task in order of importance. Schedule your time accordingly and focus on tackling one task at a time. By focusing your attention and efforts on the most critical activities and working your way down the list, you can eliminate the overwhelming feeling of not having enough time that can cripple your productivity. ***

Related Post: 10 Signs It's Time to De-Clutter Your Property Management Office
I don’t have the time to become more productive.

Reality: According to a study conducted by Fonality and Webtorials, workers spend half the work day on "necessary, yet unproductive tasks, including routine communications and filtering incoming information and correspondence."Another survey reported by Inc.com revealed that 14% of an employee's day is spent duplicating information and managing unwanted communications.

Solution: If just some of this wasted time could be harnessed and refocused on more important tasks, productivity could increase exponentially. In fact, implementing simple time management techniques, such as the ones mentioned above, can actually save upwards of two hours a day.

These are just a few of the common myths and misconceptions about productivity that are hindering workplace performance. By dispelling these myths and implementing real, actionable solutions, you could see a marked improvement in productivity, operational efficiency and your organization’s bottom line.

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