5 Digital Marketing Trends That Are Set To Intensify Your Brand Awareness In 2018

Posted by Claudia Winters
Aug 7, 2018

Over the last few years, the landscape of digital marketing has evolved a lot. In fact, there has been a paradigm shift in the way digital marketers practice it. If you’ve not been working in this domain and want to make a comeback, it is necessary for you to keep abreast of ongoing trends in digital marketing that are sure to help you gain an edge over your competitors.

If you’re looking for the latest happenings around digital marketing in Vancouver, don’t forget to check these 5 hot trends in the respective domain.

1. Relevancy is the game changer

 It's no longer associated with procuring a large number of email addresses or leads. Those with the extensive lists are meant to lead their position, but this is not going to not work in 2018 as people start to desire higher intimacy and relevance.

In the year 2018, relevancy has the key to success. If you wish to surge your profit, you should think beyond generating more leads, and start building greater intimacy and relevance with the leads you have in hand. This can be done by providing the right solution, to the right people, at the right time.

2. Attention is the new money

If you’re unable to capture the right attention, you’re set to lose your brand’s competitiveness in today’s highly competitive landscape. As attention is getting more and more costly as more businesses have feasible access to it, meaning it's more necessary than ever to make the most of the attention you grab.

3. Be Tai Lopez

According to an expert of digital marketing in Vancouver, “Tai Lopez has garnered great skills which make him available everywhere. His power to address the masses is a great feat, and describes what it means to be omnipresent to your audience. It isn't about performing everywhere to everyone, because this is both expensive and baseless.

4. Try more than one platform

If you think controlling a single platform is sufficient, do think twice.

Your leads on Facebook are nowhere related to YouTube, and your followers on YouTube are different to those visiting your website. As such, the crucial point to your success is to repost your content across different (relevant) platforms.

5.Your marketing funnel has changed

You cannot create a single marketing funnel that drives your visitors through a preset step-by-step process no longer. They have been a number of marketing funnels similar to this already. You need to be distinctive; you need to consult a reputed digital marketing agency in Vancouver that can turn your marketing funnel into an experience, and build real, considerable trust.
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