5 Clever Ways You Can Kill Your Procrastination

Posted by Tushara Kidave
Feb 19, 2018

Have you ever found yourself procrastinating during very important life events such as exams, meetings, presentations, or others? Certainly, we all have gone through that. It’s a controversial topic whether procrastination is a disease, a bad habit or just a personality disorder.

Although, continuing the procrastination drive is not cool. It is the hurdle that is keeping you away from your goals and ultimately pushing you far from the success.

Here, we have 5 killer ways you can curb your procrastination habit. Add these tips to your daily routine and it will unleash a better version of you that won’t procrastinate.

Yelling Mom

Definitely, our moms are the most effective procrastination killer. We can’t take our mom everywhere; so the actual yelling mom is not an option all the time. There comes an interesting app called ‘Yelling Mom’ that reminds you to perform several things in an insistent prodding.

The users can schedule task and the Yelling Mom app will yell on you at the appointed time. The app has a collection of most horrible alerts such as referee’s whistle, wailing sirens, or a screaming disco diva.

Fortunately, the Yelling Mom app is actually easier to handle than your mother. LOL...


If you are an iPhone or iPad user, this is the best procrastination-busting app for you. The app prompts users with questions which outlines why the user put off a task. Procraster actually recognizes the source of your block and suggests the solutions for your problems. Furthermore, it asks you to complete a particular task and let you pick an incentive. The app is available for Apple iPhones and iPads.


The different environment creates a different impact on one’s productivity. Even psychology explains the relation of human behaviour according to their environment. Have a look at your desk where you work or live throughout the day. A messy desk will certainly lead to procrastination.

To save the day, there is a unique hack called StandStand, which is a portable stand that provides you standing desk. Using this kind of stand, you won’t get lazy and it will help to beat the procrastination. It will keep you inspired and motivated to complete your tasks.


SelfControl, HeyFocus and Freedom

This app is ideal for those who are stuck to social media and its feeds. It will block the time-sucking distractions that are often caused due to social media for a certain time. The program runs on Safari Internet browser as well.

On the other hand, an app called Freedom blocks the apps and websites on your Mac, iPhone, and Windows that are wasting your most of the time. Lastly, HeyFocus app is there for performing similar blockage from distractions, apps, instant messages, and other sites.

Break it down

People often get terrified when big tasks arrive toward them. While so, you can still accomplish a huge job just by breaking it down into several strong yet realistic tasks. By doing this, you won’t have to think much about the big project. Instead, you have to perform smaller tasks which will eventually result in the completion of your big project.

This also helps you to fully focus on a small yet important task and perform the bigger tasks efficiently.

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