4 Types of Renewable Energy: The Future of Energy

Posted by Edf Renewables
Oct 27, 2022

With so many countries around the world targeting the aim of producing renewable energy, renewable sources stand by the aim as its backbone. Renewable Energy India mission is also at its full swing to lessen the carbon emission.

Every type of renewable energy available, each has a major contribution to our electricity generation mix, along with non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels. 

In this blog, learn about multiple types of renewable energy sources that we use in the current timeline, and how they can become the future of the country. Before that, let’s briefly understand what renewable energy is. 

What is Renewable Energy? 

Energy that we produce using earth’s natural resources like wind and solar is known as renewable energy. These resources are inexhaustible and also a cheaper and safer alternative to traditional energy producing sources like fossil fuels. 

4 Types of Renewable Energy

These are the 4 main types of renewable energy. 

1. Wind

In the UK and the US, wind is the largest source of renewable energy, both onshore and offshore. The energy is produced by spinning the blades of wind turbines. The wind turbines convert spinning blades’ kinetic energy into electric energy by turning a drive shaft and gearbox, which is connected to a generator. Later, that electricity is converted into higher voltages. It leaves no room for limitation until there’s wind blowing.

2. Solar

One of the most freely available energy sources in the world that’s also unlimited has to be solar energy. It is the most preferred choice for renewable energy for some obvious reasons. Though it has some limitations in terms of seasons and time, that's not a major issue. We get solar energy by capturing sunlight’s radiant energy, which is further converted into heat, electricity, or hot water. With the use of solar cells, even the direct sunlight can be converted into electricity. 

3. Hydroelectric

Among all others, hydroelectric power is the most versatile source, both for large-scale projects and small-scale projects. The power through hydro is generated by the flow or movement of falling water. Hydroelectric power plants are built on dams to produce electricity through underwater turbines. Hydro power circumscribes wave and tidal power too, which are dependent on the force of the ocean for electricity generation. Renew power is going to be a game-changer for energy. 

4. Geothermal

Geothermal is a source of producing energy using the earth’s heat that’s trapped inside the earth’s crust. Sometimes, this heat comes out naturally through volcanic eruptions or geysers. The heat is then captured to produce geothermal power using steam that comes from the heated water pumping below the surface, which then rises to the top and can be used to operate a turbine. 

Wrapping Up

Harnessing the power of renewable energy is very important for a cleaner and brighter tomorrow. EDF Renewables India is doing a tremendous job in the portfolio of Renewable Energy India to bring a key difference in the energy generation industry. It will also lead the world towards sustainability.

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