4 Myths Surrounding Enterprise App Development

Posted by Deepa Ranganathan
Jan 4, 2016

While mobile-first approach seems to be gaining attention especially in the consumer arena, enterprises have still not started with formulizing a strategy for their mobile apps. Many enterprises are still trying to figure out if they need an app, and which platform should they develop the app on.

There are obvious concerns that restrict the enterprises from going ahead with app development. Many enterprises have stated security and authentication as the sole reasons why they have still not considered mobile app development. Few others have cited backend integration difficulties and cost of developing an enterprise mobile app as the specific reasons.

Like in every other case, there are some myths surrounding enterprise app development too. Here are five myths that most enterprises have pin pointed, and here are some mitigations offered to get rid of the myths.

Time Consuming

A common myth that holds strong among most enterprises is that the turn-around time, and the time to market in turn is quite large for enterprise app development. Most enterprises believe that the enterprise app development takes close to a year to complete the development and launch. Many organizations require anywhere from 10 to 100 apps for the different sectors of their organization, and this time specified for development can act as a restriction for their developmental activities. Well, as mentioned earlier this is a myth. It takes anywhere between 60-90 days to develop the perfect enterprise mobile app that suits your business requirements, and assures to further your business along the right path.

Complexities Involved in Data Accessibility

When it comes to accessing the data, enterprises have invested heavily in legacy systems like ERP. Now, when you develop an enterprise mobile app, you will need to integrate the app with tehse systems so as to make data accessible. Most enterprises feel this is a complex task, and tend to avoid developing an app. On the contrary, integrating the app with the legacy systems is not only easy but also pretty convenient. You will need to use enterprise grade mobile backend as a service which will resolve the API infrastructure issue, and reduce the complexities involved in accessing the database and resolve all issues related to data fetching.

Developers Need to Stay Updated on Platforms and Coding Languages

It is not necessary for a mobile app developer to stay abreast on the latest frameworks or platforms, and the entirety of new coding languages. This can become tedious for the developer, and they may not be able to devise the perfect app, as required by the business. Instead of going through the tedious task of learning the varied coding languages, and developing an app, developers can implement the bring your own toolkit approach, and define their mobile app. This way they can easily develop an app, and make the enterprise mobile fit.

Enterprise Apps are Heavy

If you have created a good mobile app, you will be able to retrieve large data sets from the backend, and transfer only the required data to the handset, thus reducing the overall load on the handset. The size of the data being transferred for a particular session should be less than 1 MB in case of an enterprise mobile app.


Enterprise mobile apps will give the mobile-first approach to your enterprise, and help further your business. It is important to resolve all the myths, and create an app that will fit your enterprise in every way. Hire Mobile App Developers to ensure a good mobile app is developed for your business, which will essentially improve the ROI.

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