3S STUDIO : Corporate Film Makers & Video Prodcution Company in Delhi

Posted by 3S Studio In
Nov 4, 2017
Image 3S Studio  Produce Entertaining, Enriching & Empowering content to connect with masses across the entire globe….  3S Studio is a dynamic, full equipped audio & video production company whose foundation rests on this belief.  A company headed by Sanjay Chadha who has experience of over 30 years in audio video content creation. Started his carrier with Indian Television’s first soap opera HUM LOG and further directed and produced various TV serial, documentaries, radio series for various Radio and TV channels At 3S we know how to leverage the power of your idea by combining our audio & visual skills to produce exceptional IVR & VAS content, marketing and communications films, videos and presentations that inform and motivate the target audience by creating the desired impact. Every aspect of production is handled by handpicked experts capable of creating the right mix of word, imagery and sound that gets the desired communication result. We lay great stress on identifying the right creative route at the very outset of the projects. We believe that homing in on the right concept not only elevates a good idea to the level of excellence but also enable forward planning that saves on budgets in the long run. Our panel of specialized scriptwriters and concept developers enable us to deliver the best. This strength is backed on the field and in the studio, by the availability of highly talented technical crew.
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