3 Tips to Persevering Despite the Bad Times
Bad times come, we all know that. We also know that perseverance is the key to keep on keeping on. When it gets down to the nitty - gritty however, this is hard. Following are some practical tips to persevering with the going gets tough.
"You’ve got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It’s called perseverance." – Lee Iacocc
Keep Working
This sounds like a no brainier, but it can be easy to give up when things are bad. If you don't have the money to even open the doors, why ever open them again? This is the wrong attitude to have. You need to figure out what the problem is, but while you're doing that you need to keep the business going. You have to do both. If you figure out the problem and then shut down, you've done nothing.
If you take out a small
business loans to stay afloat but do not fix the underlying problem,
things are only going to get worse. Plan for hard times now by having
easily accessible financing, such as a small business line of credit, in
place. Sites such as Biz2Credit can help with this by connecting you
with banks, credit unions, micro lenders, and alternative lenders that
will work best for you.
Reevaluate Want
How badly do you want things to work? Of course you do not want to lose all your money, but aside from that, do you enjoy the business as much as you thought you would? Do you want to do this for the rest of your life, really? If so, use that desire to do what is necessary to go get what you want. If not, it may be time to reevaluate.
Get Your Ducks in a Row
things in order. Figure out where you stand financially, and that
really means you. Don't rely on an accountant to figure it out and make
it work. If you have an accountant, make them explain to you what is
going on and really listen. If you are used to ignoring bills and
financial statements by just sending them on to the accountant, stop.
You need to have your ducks in a row and know where you stand.
Of course there are many facets to perseverance, but these are some practical ways to put it into action.