2021 Guide to Perfect Email-Marketing

Posted by Bhupati Barman
Apr 19, 2021

Email may be referred to as snail-mail, but it is not dead yet. It is one of the best ways to reach new people and turn them into your customers. Email marketing is an efficient digital marketing strategy and an efficient tool to connect with prospects and customers. But to achieve your goals, you must follow certain strategies that ensure success. This guide is just the one for you whether you are ready to commit to digital marketing or just exploring ways to expand your business.


Sending an email might cause confusion and anxiety but if you follow this guide you are ensured success. For a successful email, you must always keep in mind that the email is not about you or your company, it is about the customer. If you can craft a personal enough email that the customer not only wants to read but connects with then your email is a success.

Now let us get this 2021 guide to perfect email marketing started.




In this age of social media and unsolicited spam mail, email remains the most efficient way to expand your customer base and boost customer loyalty.


  • Email is the No.1 way to communicate. Almost all consumers check their emails on a day-to-day basis.
  • Return on investment (ROI). Email marketing has a 4400% ROI. People receiving email offers spend about 138% more than those who did not.
  • Email is the best way to make sales online.

Email Marketing 


 Email marketing involves many pieces, but it does not necessarily make it complicated. Here is how you can start.


•    Making a list: To start an email marketing campaign you need to have a list of people to send them to. But it will not work if you do not have the right people on your list. So, make a comprehensive list of the right customer base for your business.

•   Get an email service provider (ESP): With a large list of prospects, you need to organize your list and track results for future improvement.


A good ESP should be compatible with other business tools you use. It will help you automate the marketing process once your business grows.





While most people put an opt-in form on their websites, hoping people will automatically join.

 They usually do not work. What you need is something called a LEAD MAGNET.

•  A lead magnet is somewhat like a bribe that you offer people for free in exchange for their email addresses. These need not cost you anything and can be some form of digital content, that you can create yourself. They just need to add value to your visitors for free.

Some examples are E-books, Webinars, Free trials, Coupons, etc.


What Makes A Good Lead Magnet?


While it must give value for free. These are some criteria that it must fit to be successful: -


#1 Easy to use: If you give away a 200-page manuscript the users are less likely to use it.

#2 Actionable: It must be something useful that your audience can learn from and apply.

#3 Immediately Available: People do not like to wait. It must be something that the audience can get right then and there.


Now that you know what a Lead Magnet is, you must create an appealing Opt-in form.




To create an appealing opt-in, it must have the following components: -


#1 Enticing Headlines: It should describe the benefit of the lead magnet.

#2 Helpful Description: The description needs to be brief, clear, and to-the-point.

#3 Simple Form: Try to ask for as little information as possible- First name and email address.

Once you create the Opt-in form, you need to upload it to your website.


The following are the best places to place the opt-in forms.

• Welcome page.

• Site Header

• Blog Archives

• Pop-ups

• Within blog posts

• The sidebar


#Welcome page and Popups are the most effective of these options.




Now you have built your email list and placed it on your website. But your list is not as effective without segmentation.


Segmentation is the process of diving your email list into subgroups based on similar interests, purchase history, age groups, geographic location, etc to help you send more personalized and relevant emails.

Remember the more segmentation you do, the more personalized your email will be. And when you send personalized emails it strengthens your connection with the prospect. It will build trust and they will be more likely to buy from you.


But how can you segment your list?


You can segment your list by creating separate lead magnets based on varied interests. That way, your list automatically gets segmented when the prospect interacts with a particular lead magnet.


You can segment your list based on: -

• Language

• Job Title

• Purchase History

• Age

• Geographic Location

You can segment your list any way you want but you must try to be as exclusive as possible when marketing to different subgroups.


Personalize your email marketing


Now that you get a personalized and segmented list to send emails to, you need to add final personal touches to make the emails more attractive.


 • Add the first name in your greetings.

 • Include region-specific information.

 • Send content relevant to the prospect’s age. 

• Write about personal events, like region-specific holidays or birthdays. 

• End the email with a personal signature from a person and not the company name. 




All the segmentation and the personal information that you collected from Opt-ins will be used by automation to send highly personalized emails to different subgroups. It can be done by using autoresponders.




An autoresponder is a sequence of emails that are automatically sent when triggered by a user’s action, like downloading an E-book from the lead magnet. You can set the frequency and times that these auto-responds are sent, i.e., weekly, monthly, or annually. The best thing about them is that once you set them you can forget that they even exist while it does the work for you.




An ESP is a great tool that helps you customize and fine-tune your email marketing efforts. They help you create, personalize, and optimize professional-looking marketing emails without designers. 


Furthermore, you can analyze the success rate of your emails and get data regarding your marketing strategies that matter the most to you. These are some of the features that you must look for while choosing an ESP: - 


• Easy-to-build forms and landing pages. 

• Automation

 • A positive reputation as an ESP 

• CRM platform with segmentation capabilities 

• Built-in data analytics and downloadable reports 


Now that you have a great lead magnet growing your prospect list, personalized and segmented lists, automation software that sends your personalized email, and an excellent email service provider to manage and analyze your emails, you are all set to succeed at email marketing and give your business a growth spurt. This 2021 guide to email marketing was meant to do just that- help you grow your business with effective email marketing tools.


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