2 Step Process to Add Configurable Products to Your Magento Website

Posted by Deepa Ranganathan
Apr 1, 2015

There are different SKU and inventory listing for configurable products. Now that you have an understanding of what configurable products are, let's try and understand how you can add configurable products to your Magento store.

The Process
Basically you need to follow two steps to add configurable products to your store

  • Adding Attributes: For each product you will begin by adding individual attributes. Once you have defined the attributes, you will need to add them to the attribute set
  • Simple Products: Once you have defined the attribute set, you will need to create a single simple product for the individual configurable products

These two steps will help add all possible configurable products to your e-store

Step-1: Adding Attributes

The first step to adding configurable products to your store would be adding attributes or creating bed products

Let's take two attribute options for ease of use- color and size

In the admin panel go to Catalog>Attributes>Manage Attributes>Properties>Add New Attribute

You will see Add New Attribute button along the right hand corner of this page.

There will be a few options that you will need to define in order to create your bed set

Attribute Code: Color/Size

Scope: Global

Catalog Input Type for Store: Dropdown

Unique Value: No

Values Required: No

Input Validation for Store Owner: None

Apply to: Selected Product Types

A small box appears below Apply To. Here you will need to use Ctrl+Click and select Simple Product and Configurable Product. This way you will be able to apply the changes to both the product types.

On having assigned values to all the above mentioned options, you will see a new dropdown "Use to Create Configurable Product" which should be assigned to Yes

Now go to Manage Label/Options that appears along the left of your page. Here you will be able to add the different attributes for your bed product.

For example: here you can assign different colors in case the attribute code is color. Similarly the different sizes can be added in case attribute code is size

Assign one value as default and position the other values as you want them to appear

Once you are done with adding the labels, you need to save the attribute by clicking on "Save Attribute"

Once you have created individual attributes, you will need to begin creating attribute sets.

Go to Catalog>Attributes>Manage Attribute Sets> Add New Set. Assign the new set the name Bed.

Once you are done with this step, you will see two panes containing the different attributes. On the right pane there are unassigned attributes and the left pane has a series of attributes. Drag these attributes from right pane to the left pane and drop them below the General menu

Now you need to save the attribute set that you have created by clicking on "Save Attribute Set"

Step-2: Add Simple Products for Configurable Products

Your next step, after creating the configurable products, is to create simple products that will become a part of the configurable products.

In the admin panel go to

Catalog>Manage Products>New Product

The window to create new product will open

  • Select the attribute set you have created
  • Set product type to configurable products

Once this is done click on Continue

Now select the two attributes that you have created. For the sake of simplicity here two attributes are considered- color and size

You will be directed to a page where you can fill out details for individual products

  • Enter the details like name, description as well as short description
  • Pick the variation for this product i.e. the size or color that varies
  • Set visibility as "not visible individually". The reason being you want the products to appear as a configurable product to the customer and not as individual products
  • Once you have filled out this general detail, you will need to fill out the different catalog details like price, meta information, images, design etc. that are present along the left panel
  • In the last tab of your catalog is the option of "associated products". Here you will add all the variations of a single product that you need to use as part of the configurable product
  • Click on "Associated Products" and select empty in the control panel that appears on clicking this
  • A pop-up similar to the one used for creating simple products opens up to enter the information on different variations of this product
  • You will fill out all the default information along with the attribute information like size and color
  • Now Save this information and repeat task. For every simple product variation you created, you will need to create an associated product variation
  • Once this is done, you will see all the associated products under a single tab
  • Now save this list

Following these easy steps, you can assign the configurable product to the front end.

It is a bit complex but not really complicated to set configurable products. So, with this two step process you are ready to give out maximum configurable products to your store.

Author Details:

Deepa, a technical writer with SilverTouch, who now devotes her time in advising its clients to hire dedicated developers. She offers information as well as tips and latest trends in this domain. Her love for reading helps her constantly provide latest information on different technical and design aspects of Magento

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