2 Basic Reasons Why Churches Need Insurance

Posted by Helland Agency Inc
Jan 23, 2019
Sometimes when one talks about church and insurance, it seems as if he's talking about oil and water that just do not go well with each other. After all, the church is a holy place that aims to build up its membership through shared belief and encouragement. Most people think why would an organization that is set up with the sole intention of general welfare of the society and its communities need to have or worry about Minneapolis church insurance? The fact is like any other company or organization, churches also need the right insurance coverage to have fair financial protection due to unforeseen events. Churches can get damaged, churches can be sued, and it has to compensate for the damage to maintain its existence.

This article is composed with intention of providing a useful information to readers about the need for churches to have an insurance coverage to keep their financial interests protected. Read on to find out the basic reasons as to why churches need insurance coverage.

1. Any church can be sued and held liable
There's a general feeling among churches and public in general that they are immune from liability. If ever there's an example of over-confidence, this is it. The fact is churches are very much prone to be sued even if there;s no wrongdoing; churched will still have to defend themselves. Even a church member or a visitor can sue the church if he/she gets injured on the premises. Even if there's a minor cur or bruise, individuals can still sue the church and there's no escaping from the law here.

In modern world, people can sue anyone for anything, regardless of fault or intent. Having the right insurance coverage can help to handle the situation in less cost than if no coverage was in place. Some liability insurance policies to consider are: General Liability Insurance, Employment practices liability insurance, auto insurance, Pastors professional liability, sexual abuse and molestation insurance policy.

2. Coming to the second basic reason as to why churches need Minneapolis church insurance, the simple fact is no church can predict the weather and the nature's fury doesn't spare anything on its way. We have already read and seen so many church building washed away in the floods or destroyed in earthquake or fire. There's simple no escaping natural calamities and the resulting loss could wreak havoc on church's finances. If a church is struck by lightning and burned to the ground, will it have enough money to remove and clean up all the debris from the fire, rebuild the entire church building, replace all the furniture and other equipment used to perform the operations of the church? Every church needs to think about this possibility and answer these questions honestly. Though the church is different from other ''typical'' businesses, the potential for claims is similar to that of other businesses for churches. Churches that do not have any insurance coverage are just relying on their luck which is not a wise thing to do. Getting an insurance cover will help them to receive compensation in case they are held liable or face severe losses.
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