Introducing APSense Talents!

Posted by Wincer Song
Feb 11, 2011

What is APSense Talents!

Simply put, it is a service that was fashioned after one of the newest and hottest modes of marketing online today known as micro-marketing. Think about what twitter did for blogging with it's concept of micro blogging. Talents will revolutionize the way many people begin to market online.

APSense Talents is a combination of both Fiverr and Clickbank. By themselves, each of these services work extremely well. Fiverr allows people to buy and sell all sorts of services at a very affordable price. The thing that makes Fiverr lacking is it's inability to pay associates/affiliates for getting the word out. On the other hand, Clickbank has an army of affiliates ready to promote your digital products. What is lacking from Clickbank is the inability to sell non digital products and to ascertain if each merchant's product is worthy of being sold via its marketplace.

Enter Talents. With Talents we have taken the best aspects of each of these two great services, and combined them to create the best micro marketing affiliate program on the net.

Sellers are rated after the completion of each assignment. These ratings will be seen by everyone eles interested in using these talents. Additionally, each buyer will have the ability to review the sellers profile and testimonials before making a purchase. This peer-to-peer review aspect is a brand new concept introduced by APSense just for Talents.

An unfavorable rating will prompt the APSense team to review the work of the Talent (seller) if the poor review is warranted, the talent will not be paid for the service until he/she corrects it. This process ensures that everyone gets what they pay for. On the other side of the coin, if the negative rating is found to be unwarranted the seller (talent) will be paid without question. If a customer (buyer) fails to rate the seller within 24 hours of task completion all funds are automatically released to the seller by default.

We have taken every precaution to ensure that both Buyers and Sellers on APSense Talents will be treated fairly and that no one is scammed.

APSense Talents is ideal for:
  • Selling your talents/skills.
  • Buying talents or skill sets you may be lacking in.
  • Earning some cash.
Thats right, earning is east with Talents. Simply by sharing, or posting your link on your favorite social network, website or blog, you will earn commissions whenever a sale is made via your link.

There is so much to learn about APSense Talents that we will be informing you of them slowly. In fact, in the coming days we will tell you more about all of the benefits of buying, selling and sharing on APSense Talents.

As we roll out APSense Talents, and are in the pre-launch phase we want all of our members to take advantage and add all their talents. That's right we want you to enter all the talents and skills you have to offer and set your price.

What are your talents or skills worth? You can finally claim your worth.

During this pre-launch phase, the activation fee will be waived. That is a savings to you of $9.95 if you add your talents now while in the pre-launch phase.

Please note that the price you set for your talent/skills are based on your HP (honor points) the higher your HP the more you may charge for your services. So, if you plan on selling your Talents, it would behoove you to recruit as many new members into your downline as you can. Another way to increase your HP is by upgrading to either a Pro or Premium member in APSense.

Start sharing your talents with the world today!

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Comments (32)
LM Hunt

Online Business

Awesome idea and addition to this network. Kudos Wincer :)

Apr 3, 2011 Like it
Jane Porterfield

Freelance Writer, Avid Blogger, Internet Marketer

This sounds absolutely awesome. I'm a member of both FIverr and Clickbank and this sounds like a great alternative.

Feb 13, 2011 Like it
David L.

Freelance web designer n blogger

thank and cool website you had here... thanks a lot too..

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Josha Kenneth Leslie

Website manager

Sadly, when I tried to add a talent, Apsense didn't approve of my apsense talent.

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Rio B.


Very good idea! +1 for this feature :)

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Malok Mading

Writer and Blogger.

Apsense is taking business network world by surprise.I like this article very much and would want others to know what Apsense can do for them when the join.

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Vishwajeet Kumar


This is just awesome features, In short I will say"Shake your Hands With Skills"

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Daryoto Khadori

Yes!!! one more creator by from apsense for member apsense, that's good for us, thank's

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Neville Dinning

Independent Consultant

Has any consideration been given to setting up a register where people can add tasks that they would like others to do for them?

Then those offering their talents could advise that they are able and willing to do the task.

Of course this would need safeguards to prevent the requester from being swamped by spammers.

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Cory Crabb

Success Is Already Yours!!!!

Just what the social network industry needs good work Wincer!

Cory Crabb

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Dilwar Hooda


•Selling your talents/skills.
•Buying talents or skill sets you may be lacking in.
•Earning some cash.

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Charles Moyer

this seems very interesting

Feb 12, 2011 Like it
Clemente Difonzo


text is certainly an important initiative for our effective
business.grazie APSense.

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
Perpetual Wambui

very interesting

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
Lisa W.


I am very interested in checking this one out when I have the time.

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

This is a great way to encourage our fine members to bring their skills to the forefront and even earn money for themselves... This is going to become a very popular feature of Apsense!

Thanks very so much for you and your teams insightful approach to our continued growth and innovation, Wincer! :)

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
M.fadlan Fadlan

Very interesting and want to feel my heart I can be part of what has been presented.

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
Salmiah Shahrin

Independant Affliate

Thanks sharing for the info. All the best.

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
Velli M.

Blog Developer, Publisher, Affiliate

thank you, this is very helpful!

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Thanks Wincer!

Feb 11, 2011 Like it
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