Stress Relief Tips

Posted by King Shoreq
Jul 7, 2010
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Living in a constant state of stress is unhealthy. Your body reacts to stress by releasing the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone causes an increase in your blood pressure and your blood sugar. Learn to manage your stress by using the following techniques. Diaphragmatic Breathing When under stress you may begin to breathe rapidly and shallowly. Diaphragmatic breathing allows you to breathe fully and slowly. To benefit from diaphragmatic breathing you must stop and relax your body. Allow your breathing to become regular. Inhale slowly and deeply, then exhale slowly through your nose. Allow the tension to seep from your body with each breath that you exhale. Close your eyes and imagine a place of tranquility. Breathe like this for several minutes, relaxing more and more with each breath. Retreat Take a break from your stressful situation. Many times we can not see the forest for the trees. You may have a situation that you just can not seem to solve. The solution has eluded you and your stress level is increasing. There are many ways to take a quiet retreat. Find your quiet place and retreat as often as is necessary. You may be surprised to return to your problem and actually see how to solve it. The purpose of a retreat is to take your mind off of the problem. Focus on something that will quiet your inner turmoil and allow your body to relax. Take a nice long walk and look at the surrounding scenery. Find a comfortable spot and put on your favorite music or get lost in a good book. Pamper yourself and soak in a nice hot tub or go get a massage. Retreat ideas are endless. The main purpose is to allow your mind to rest and be at peace. Think Positive Many times you may allow a stressful situation to take over and pull you down a long path toward destruction. You have the power to stop the downward spiral. Realize what your inner thoughts are about the situation. Sometimes you can get stressed just remembering an incident. Allow yourself to think and speak positive over your stressful situation. You will be amazed at how well you handle stress if you will learn to speak affirmations over yourself and the situation. You can do this and you will overcome. Believe it. Muscle Relaxation Stress affects your body in many different ways. Muscle tension causes your entire body to hurt. You may not realize how stressed you are until you actually pay attention to your muscle tension. Is your neck always stiff? How are gripping the steering wheel while you are driving? White knuckle driving is a stress indicator. Headaches, backaches, leg cramps, the list can go on. Learn to relax your muscles one group at a time. Lie down, totally relax, and close your eyes. Now focus on your muscle groups. Tighten each group and then relax them. Start with your toes and work all the way up to your forehead. You may have to tighten and relax each muscle group three or four times before the muscles actually relax. Put some quiet music on while doing this so that your mind will stay off of your stressful situation. Continue to relax your mind while doing this exercise. Meditate Meditation is a whole body relaxation at once. Find a quiet place and just let your body and mind relax totally. Breathe slowly and deeply. Exhale slowly. Do this for at least 20 minutes. Remember, do not think about your stressful situation. Your goal is to learn how to relax in stressful situations. You may be able to incorporate some of these methods throughout your day, while some of the other methods require a quiet place of solitude. Take charge of your body and do not allow stress to cause physical harm to you. =-=-=-=-= Visit Stress Relief Tips for more information on stress relief. Related Articles - stress, stress management, stress affects health, stress relief, symptoms of stress, causes of stress,
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Comments (2)
Tam Zamila

Gov staff

nice tips..lets try it.

Jul 8, 2010 Like it
Vijaya Lakshmi

Writer, Health Consultant

That is a wonderful tips which is needed for today's life style

Jul 7, 2010 Like it
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