An Inside Look at a Growing Business Opportunity

Jun 16, 2009

Remote Backup Systems (RBS), the founders of the online backup industry and developers of the RBackup and Mercury OEM Online Backup platforms, has always been passionate about Remote Backup.


“I live, eat, and breathe this stuff,” said Industry pioneer Rob Cosgrove, CEO of Remote Backup Systems.  “I know the industry and I can see that Online Backup is selling fast and it’s a good time to get in the game. Whether they are just starting out or expanding their business, we want our service providers to be successful. I tell them, if there's something they need, a new feature, or a different pricing model, I want to know about it! If someone likes our software, but a competitor has a better price, call us and we’ll see what we can do about it. We’re here to help.”


Cosgrove took a chance himself, 22 years ago, when he built a remote backup system for the University of Tennessee Medical Center. When the hospital’s prenatal database was saved after a direct lightning strike which destroyed their Server, Cosgrove began evolving his innovative technology into the first commercially available remote backup system.


Over the past two decades, Cosgrove has seen success and has gained a firm grasp on what it takes to run a successful backup business. He has written many informative articles and white papers on the subject. He maintains an industry blog for the public. He hosts webinars in which attendees can ask questions directly, all with the hopes that a gained knowledge will give service providers a competitive edge in a booming industry.

Cosgrove will also tell you that to be successful you will need more than just knowhow. “Sales drive capital, and you will need that money for marketing and advertising, adequate hardware, insurance, staff, all the things it takes to run any business. We give our providers many options to assist with the technical aspects so that they can focus on selling their product. You will also need a business plan, a marketing plan, and a technical plan. You need training and support. RBS will provide you with these tools, in addition to our many other consulting services.”


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To assist service providers with the initial startup costs, RBS has recently introduced a new payment option. This "Pay Per Client" (PPC) model is a new way to get service providers into the online backup business more quickly, with a monthly fee based on the number of clients in use. This model is designed to allow providers to pay for the initial start up as they grow their business. “RBS was designed to be scalable as customer needs grow,” said Carrie Schmitz, RBS sales manager. “We have always been the industry standard in commercial grade remote backup software, and giving our providers more options and a greater chance to succeed is why we are the most trusted brand.”

In addition RBS Virtual Hosting is an alternative to purchasing necessary hardware and software to operate an Online Backup service. Providers are able to distribute a white-label version of the industry leading Remote Backup Client software to their customers, and they back up to RBS' data centers. Providers are still able to maintain customer relationships, determine end-user pricing, and distribute branded software.

RBS has maintained a leading edge in the industry by dedicating itself to continuing development and software improvements. “Our developers realize that customers must have the most advanced technology and most secure software to stay competitive in this industry,” explained Cosgrove, “We are constantly updating our product and are always listening to our service providers needs.”

When purchasing a package of 25 clients or higher from RBS, several included features set the RBackup software apart from competitors products. A complete server remote installation insures that the software will be installed correctly and to service providers’ specifications. It also helps the service provider to have the operation up and running in less than an hour. This starter package also includes responsive technical support for one year, professional plug-ins, and a feature filled Business Kit.

The RBS Business Kit is a complete set of resources for offering Online Backup services and a valuable tool to jumpstart an Online Backup business. It includes a complete business plan, camera-ready ads, flyers and advertising materials, a self-running sales presentation, a complete interactive website, telephone scripts, service contracts, and email software for electronic marketing.


Rob Cosgrove attributes much of RBS’ success to his team of sales people and developers. “They are on the front line every day, they know what our providers need and they know how to make it happen,” he said. “We’ve got the creativity and have gained the experience which has allowed us to stay on top for this long. In this economy, it benefits us to be the most affordable and dependable choice for discerning service providers, and we hope that we can continue to provide flexible business opportunities to many more.”


About Remote Backup Systems Inc.


Remote Backup Systems, Inc. offers turnkey Online Backup solutions starting at $500, capable of serving hundreds of thousands of end users. RBS is the global leader in providing turnkey online backup software solutions to MSPs, VARs, ISPs and Managed Hosting Providers, providing leading edge functionality, best-in-class customer support, and an unwavering commitment to product quality and customer satisfaction. With a twenty-one year history in Remote Backup technologies, RBS is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, USA.


If you would like more information, or to schedule an interview with Rob Cosgrove, please phone Elizabeth Greenup at (901) 388-5988 or email
Comments (1)
Rafal Mly

Internet marketer and blogger

That's very interesting blog, thanks for sharing the info.


Jun 25, 2009 Like it
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