Big Business Does not look after little guys

Posted by Lisa Lomas
Jul 25, 2008
I hate to pop everyones Bubble (but I am ) alot of these free marketing
systems are an absolute pile of rubbish.

I tend to notice everyone Just stampede to every free product but
they are so mislead thinking they are the only ones getting the value.

Not mentioning any names but I have been stampeded with marketing
mails recently. (To me this is biz to biz networking, I have my biz, just
give me tips if you want my attention).

Not everything free is bad, but if you are so naive to think one free
marketing system is going to solve all your problems then think

What concerns me is they are building Commission Businesses through
free marketing tools the website owners.  (Just look at who's in bed
with whom).

They may give you an income if your lucky and if you have a descent
marketing page then you do not have to share you leads with the big
boys and have them send your downline piles of mail.  Just remember
you have given someone else the rights to your list too and they will
use it.

Now free tools useful are splash pages, autoresponders they can come
in very handy.

What I really think it is, is the effort they put in.  When you get excited
about a new product you go with augusto and steam ahead, its natural
and we have piles of energy when like this.  That to me is why it works
as the excitement is addictive.

Just think when you had to tell you mum something and you would not
give up when your a child, you just had to say it.

Before you go and join another free program you must remember it will
take 90% of your time especially if its free.  (Free means you work harder

Generally commissions are 20% and lower, do you really want to work
at that level?

Then there is what you already have, did you give it the same attention
or do you have a tenancy to jump on the bright sparkly items, which in
turn never gives anything your pure attention.

In Summary think before you leap.

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Comments (10)
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

That's ok Lisa I get that reaction daily!

Jul 29, 2008 Like it
Lisa Lomas

Hello Georgi,

I think George Bernard Shaw is a very wise man.

Jul 28, 2008 Like it
Lisa Lomas

Hi Peaceful,

I agree, I think any product must be proven first.

Jul 28, 2008 Like it
Lisa Lomas

Hello Cheryl,

I think when I first came online, I had a sign on me saying "I am a sucker", so
now I have become quite a bit wiser and find it sad when I genuinely try
to help and well they think I am there just to pop there bubble so to speak,
never mind, you can only lead a horse to water, cannot make him drink.

Jul 28, 2008 Like it
Lisa Lomas

Hello sabatao,

My apologies for delay in responding.

I have actually used many like this, they can be good.

I note they tend to loose there efficiency at times but
quite an affordable option to build ones list.

Thankyou for your response.

Jul 28, 2008 Like it
Georgi Georgiev


"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw


Thousands of people around the world are taking advantage of our timing and making incredible incomes with our company. Professional marketers are saying that every 12-15 years, a new product sweeps the globe with

Jul 28, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

If most folks can think clearly after encountering the word 'Free", they could avoid a lot of troubles and perhaps make some headway in their own Lives.

Jul 26, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I totally agree that 90% of the free programs are trash. I have been lucky enough not to fall into that trap, possibly because I came here with a tangible service that demands my focus be on it. Free programs just cannot compete or measure up, especially when it comes to compensation.

So for me it's easy to look at my current compensation plan which brings me anywhere from $135 to $172 per sale at my current level and compare it to someone offering me $20 per sale joining a free opportunity.

Jul 26, 2008 Like it
Alf W Osterberg

My Prospecting Secrets Revealed!

Hi Lisa,

You are right you are speaking the troth.

Here is something I like you to take a look at
This is not a free program.
Just go here and find out :

[Copy & Paste the link to your address bar if you are
unable to click on it]

Kind regards

Let me know what you think.

Jul 25, 2008 Like it
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