The Eye of the Tiger and Facebook.

Posted by Lisa G.
Jun 27, 2008

Anything is achievable, if you only belive and  stay focused! Like the tiger, his head stays still, his eyes fixed on his agenda, and at last--he gets his reward.


Hi, my names is Lisa.  A lot of you know me by now, as the Big Crumbs lady!

Why is that? Because I have stayed very focused on Big Crumbs, just like that tiger.

Yes, this is an ad for Big Crumbs, ofcourse!  LoL.  This blog is also to put a good example out there, for you and your business as welll!  Well, and hope you will join mine too, ofcourse!! :-)

My work is really starting to pay off. 

 My words of encouragement are to always think about the Tiger, when it comes to buidling your busieness, whatever it may be. 

Write your goals down.  Where you want to be, and when you want to get there, and how you want to get there

.Big question!  Is it something you are enjoying?

 Once you have done your due deligence, and know that you have a good solid business, and -- one you love, keep on keeping on. 

 Be proud to share you business.  Speak with confidence!  Always be honest about it.  Never try to mislead your potential customer or downline members.  Honesty, always goes along way in the end.

"Proof in the pudding".   Be able to show how your business really works.



Big Crumbs provides widgets to show our daily earnings and referal growth.  How does your businesss show the "proof in the pudding"  I think this is a very important feature for any business to have.  If your business does not have a similiar business, step up a notch. 

Let your company know that you would like to have something like this added!


Big Crumbs announcment:

So, with that all said, here is my newest announcement about my Biz!

Big Crumbs and Facebook!  I will be announcing it in the Big Crumbs group to.

As of today, Big Crumbs just launched an Application on Facebook!! 

If you are on Facebook, I highly recommend joining Big Crumbs, and putting a Big Crumbs app. on your Facebook profile.  Facebook does not tolerate spammming, but the Big Crumbs app. will be a nice, subtle way to let the Facebook community see what a great opportunity Big Crumbs is. 





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Comments (8)
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

More info about Facebook & BigCrumbs

On FaceBook, you get mini-feeds of what your friends are doing and each time you get money added here, your friends know there. I think it's a big plus!

I am currently make close to $114/month and hope to go beyond that this month! I will be updating my profile as my earnings grow. It's hard to really tell what someone is currently making as the earnings show the total amonut earned since you joined.

If you haven't joined FaceBook yet, I encourage

Jul 9, 2008 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Great advice Lisa, and I love tigers. :-)

And dragons, of course, Jeff !

Jun 29, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

That's what I love about Facebook.
I hardlly have any problems on any social networks, actually, I've been lucky.
Just occasionally in my aol mail.

On Facebook & Apsense... not even once! :-)

Jun 29, 2008 Like it
Indrit Shkodra

Well facebook is a kind of place where spamming will not get attention.

Jun 28, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

It's so nice to know, that there are business owners, like BC and Sales Spider, that really do go that "EXTRA mile" to make sure we are all well taken care of. Folks, like Vince on BC, really put their whole heart into it :-)

Jun 27, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

They really take care of you guys over there at Big Crumbs!

Reminds me of why I like Sales Spider so much! :)

Jun 27, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

"Roar" Thank you Peaceful!!!!

Luv dragons too!!!!! :-)

Jun 27, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Go get 'em, Tiger! :)

Us Dragons ain't so bad, either! :)

Jun 27, 2008 Like it
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