How Texas Secretary of State successfully implemented Global 360

Posted by Mommy Hence
Jun 10, 2008


Achieving Collaborative and Structured Process Efficiency in the Public Sector

Governing invites you to a Microsoft, Global 360 and DynTek live virtual event:

"Achieving Collaborative and Structured Process Efficiency in the Public Sector"

Join us and learn how public sector organizations such as the Texas Secretary of State, Los Angeles County, State of Iowa, Pinellas County, City of Lowell and the City of Vancouver use Business Process Management (BPM) and Microsoft MOSS to improve productivity, reduce operational cost and increase customer satisfaction - giving them a competitive advantage!

This event takes place on Wednesday, June 11th at 2:00 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. PTand will feature Randy Moes, Director, Uniform Commercial Code Section, Texas Secretary of State and Miran Fernandez, CIO, City of Lowell, Massachusetts. Randy will discuss how to leverage Global 360 BPM technology on the Microsoft platform to improve operations and customer service. Miran will discuss how the City of Lowell Massachusetts is implementing a city-wide intranet based upon Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 in 6 weeks.

Our discussion will include:

  • How Texas Secretary of State successfully implemented Global 360's BPM solution to realize efficiency gains and improve quality and speed of transactional processing. Leveraging Global 360 BPM technology to work in conjunction with the ability to file documents electronically, SOS recognized the following benefits from their implementation:
    • Fulfill 99% of copy requests for UCC documents through the Web, eliminating associated labor and enhancing public service
    • Reduced staffing from 49 FTE's to 19 FTE's
  • How the City of Lowell Massachusetts is implementing a city-wide intranet in 6 weeks based upon Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
  • The integration of BPM with MOSS 2007 and other Microsoft solutions
Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Time: 2:00 pm ET/11:00 am PT
Duration: 60 minutes

Featured Speakers:
  • Mark Stencel - Deputy Publisher and Technology Columnist, Governing Magazine - Moderator
  • Randy Moes - Director, Uniform Commercial Code Section, Texas Secretary of State
  • Miran Fernandez - CIO, City of Lowell Massachusetts
Who should attend?

Any State & Local government organization challenged with improving operational effectiveness and efficiency in order to improve bottom line results.

Global 360 is proud to be a member of the Microsoft® Business Process Alliance, which is comprised of a select, exclusive group of ISV partners who are focused on creating solutions that further enhance Business Process Management (BPM) enablement on the Microsoft platform. Business Process Alliance members have demonstrated an ability to simplify complex business processes into a manageable process life cycle and deliver outstanding value to customers.

Geographic Eligibility: USA

Publisher: Global 360 and DynTek

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