12 Common Mistakes in Ad words

Posted by Vishal Shah
Jan 23, 2013

Learning to use a tool like Google Ad words can be relatively simple but dominate, not so much. Despite knowing each and every one of the features, only experience can give us the courage to not make errors. Here are the 12 Most Common Mistakes in Google Ad words.

1. Target page

It is commonly thought that the home is the ideal site to send users as it is the presentation of your product but each page of your website has an value that can best suit a specific search. If user looking for a particular product knows the make and model you want to put it on a plate? Or do you want to spin around the store until find them? Targeting specific landings cannot avoid you losing customers find what they want.

Moreover, you can create text ads targeted to the landing to which the user will.

2. Locate

Focus your campaign to where your audience. We must be realistic even if you want to be known in all USA, if you only have a physical store and it is in NJ, it is best that you start running your ads there. Through Google Adwords you can select the town or city you want to go and are a good option to discard clicks public who cannot travel.

3. Designed for mobile Web

If your website is not designed for mobile devices remember to run your campaign only to computers. You do not want to pay for a click that you cannot navigate your site. For your website to be compatible, but there is no problem if you have a mobile version is better than the destination is the URL of this instead of waiting to be made redirection.

4. Do not use matches

If you do not specify any type of agreement the words appear in wide and this will cause the print will be very high. If you're starting a new campaign from scratch you'd better start with words very restrictive and as you see how they operate to expand.

5. Generic keywords

Do not focus on generic keywords just because they have more traffic this will lower your CTR is best to be specific and approach a small group of high-value users.

6. Forget the negative keywords.

Not just select keywords that you want to find the users but also those that do not want to associate with your brand. A clear example is the word "free" which denotes that there is no intention to buy. Suppose that we are an e-commerce selling WordPress themes, do we want to do click on our ads all those who are looking for free themes? We may also use negative keywords to improve ROI by eliminating words that do bring traffic and are related to our product but does not convert.

7. Using the content network and search at a time

It is better to use two separate networks (Google recommends) and who thus know what works best and can optimize according to the needs of the network. The characteristics of the two networks are different optimization therefore also be done differently.

8. Same assumptions for all words

If a keyword works well than it is logical to prefer to invest more in it. By creating a campaign is usually set the same budget for all words but once you've seen the way you work you'll probably want to invest more in some than in others.

9. Do not optimize

Do not you think that everything will come out right the first time. Once you've created your campaign must wait to see how it works and according to the results set changes. You should never leave your Ad words account abandoned just because it works well there are always things that can be improved or new possibilities to try.

10. Optimize too

Patience. Ad words changes require time to see if they give results. If you make a change today and do another tomorrow, you will not know if the first is successful. You should wait at least a week after to see if the changes have taken effect and redo changes.

11. Forget the ads

If you have the ability to create multiple ads for the same campaign, do it. You’re reading your ad is a person, and each person is different, so that you can create different ads with different messages and tones to find the ones that work best. After making different versions of the ads, which checks is the most profitable.


12. Forget the SEO

SEO is not the opposite of SEM, is the perfect complement. Imagine you're working a keyword in Adwords that has a dramatic conversion and why there are no competitors positioned to SEO. It would be interesting hick SEO effort in positioning. Or let's look at it another way, imagine you're among your longtail SEO a keyword that has brought only 3 hits but all of them have become. Do not you want more traffic? Would not you be interested to do from now? Perhaps as you try to position yourself better for that keyword SEO could use Ad words to drive traffic.

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