Project Wonderful

Posted by Thea Westra
May 18, 2008
Project Wonderfulreinvents online advertising. They've made click fraud impossible. They give advertisers the power to choose what sites their ads appear on - and publishers the freedom to choose what ads show up on their sites.

They don't have absurdly high minimum-payout levels. They've made the entire online advertising experience transparent, trustworthy, and fair - as well as more profitable, for everyone involved! It's why their slogan is "Everybody wins."

Let's say you're an advertiser, and you want to put your ad on a certain site. To do this, you just place a bid in that site's auction. Bidding is a fast and easy process where you tell them two important pieces of information: what you want to pay, and when you want to pay it.

Their system examines all bids, every second of every day. If you're the person willing to pay the most at that moment, your ad is displayed on the site! It's really as easy as that. You're only charged for the time in which your ad is the high bidder - and all charging is done to the nearest second.

You can change your maximum bid, or cancel it entirely, at any time. And they provide full performance tracking for your bid (displays, unique viewers, clicks, effective cost-per-click and cost-per-display rates). It's entirely up to you.

As a publisher
, you decide how you want ads to appear on your site, and where. You can choose the type of ads you want (graphical, text) and their size (banner ads, skyscraper ads, and so on), and how many of these ads you want. Once the code is added to your site, the auction has begun!

As advertisers bid on your site, you remain in full control. You can decide to approve the ads by hand, or choose to trust ads and advertisers you've approved in the past. You can cancel any bid you don't like at any time, and it's gone within the second.

Every second that someone is a high bidder on your site, you're earning funds that goes directly into your account: funds that you can spend advertising your own site, or that you can take out as soon as you've earned at least $10. And you have access to the same performance data that advertisers can see, so you know how well your site is performing for your advertisers.
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