Partridge Family - Lisa G's Entertainment on Apsense ~*~ Includes video and song clips! Enjoy!

Posted by Lisa G.
Dec 5, 2007

Partridge Family


Aired from 1970 to 1974

A story about a single mother, with 5 kids, who form a rock band. 


David Cassidy

(real life step son of Shirley Jones) 

played Keith Partridge


Shirley Jones - The Mom

Lauire Partridge - Susan Dey

Danny Partridge - Danny Bonaduce

Chrisopher Partridge Original - Jeremy Gelbwaks (1970-1971)

Christorpher Partridge (second) - Jeremy Gelbwaks (1971-1974)

Tracy Partridge - Suzanne Crough

Reuben Kinkaid (manager) - David Madden


This was one of my favorite shows. What teenage girl did not have David Cassidy's photo up on the wall in the 70's.  He became a huge teenage idol with his baby face, silky shoulder length hair, and sexy docile eyes. Now, at the age of 57, he is still gorgeous, and very busy performing live theatrical shows.


Trivia is open!

FAns come on in and let's get the trivia rolling!




Music and Video Clips of the Partridge Family! Enjoy!

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Comments (10)
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Trivia Question!

What show did Susan Day later have a starring role in?

Dec 10, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Thanks for the link! Very cool site!

Thanks for the compliment too!!!! I'm a very quite I think a

My grandmother once was offered to buy some swamp land in Georgia for mud cheap.

She passed.

It's a booming area now, with major grocery stores and businesses.

You just never know, huh?

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

More like "Boo-Hoo" for me... I had a chance to invest in some things early on that we all take for granted now... like "The Horror Channel back in the 90's" which became "The Sci-fi Channel", Miniaturised cellular phones that would replace the 'Bag Phone" bricks... but today is not a day for "Coulda's and Shoulda's" there are plenty of things that I'm glad that I passed on... LOL! :)

You have a creative mind, so I'll send you a fun link via PM...

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Love Davy Jones too, Cheryl.
Reminds me of another thing I let go of, The Monkees Comic Books.

Who knew "Ebay" would come along...ha..ha...or should I say boo hoo..

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

They had a lot of hits, too... I still like Day Dream Believer.... Still hum it, and it gets stuck in my thoughts like most good songs! :)

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

For some reason I never could get into the Partridge Family. Give me the Monkees any day! And keep short stuff Davy Jones. My favorite Monkee was Mike!

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Right on all answers. Lisa.. The lunchbox and The Thermos-- a little insulated bottle was made for kids... All very collectable... I wish that i had been able to look into the Future back them ( My Powers were still developing) and saved all of that stuff, sheesh, I could gotten a king's ransom for it on EBAY LOL! :)

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Ha..Ha.. I did not realize then, but your right, Shirely Jones was a looker.
I always thought Susan Dey was cute with her little button nose.
But David..pitter patter pitter patter. My next crush was the guy who played the doctor on the Medical Chad Everett..I think was his name.

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Just did my homework. I was not sure exactly how many albums.
11 all together, not including Davids solo albums.

I stil have the Partridge Family Album - Greatest Hits - from 1970
And the 8 x 10 Partridge Family Photograph. Yes, David was pretty much my first very first idol.

To try and answer your second trivia question, I would say one item was the metal lunchboxes that were so popular in that era. An item I did have, and wish that I had held on to it.

If backpacks had been pop

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

This show, along with The Monkees was my musical favorite during the Mod era.. All that paisley printed stuff was so cool! LOL! :)

I like Laurie Partridge and of course The Mom ( There's a term in the Adult industry for Moms like that!)

The Bus was the coolest thing for a family to drive...

OK... How many hit records did the Partridge Family have? What items besides posters were a favorite thing for kids to tote around their Partridge Family photos?

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
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