Good Times - DYNOMITE!- Lisa G's. Entertainment on Apsense 70's Sitcom Series ~*~ Includes video cli

Posted by Lisa G.
Nov 28, 2007

Good Times


Who could forget all the laughs from watching JJ on Good Times?  He was tall, lanky skinny, and very, very funny and definitley had his own style.  I still remember my  family and I rolling in the floor laughing, on the original airing of Good Times, on February 8, 1974, Good Times tv show began.  I still laugh at reruns when JJ says his famous saying, at just the right moment, DY-NO-MITE!

James, the dad, Florida, the mother,  J.J. (James Evans, Jr.), brainy and beautiful daughter Thelma, and youngest son Michael, a political and social activist--who live together in a high-rise housing project on the South Side of Chicago.

The show was very dear to my heart.  A family that stayed strong together, and turned the hardest of times into Good Times.


Who played the roll of Willona's adopted daughter. Who is she in real life?

What is JJ's natural talent?

What type of work does James do?

What popular show did Good Times spin off from?



Video Clips of Good Times! DY - NO - MITE Enjoy!

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Comments (8)
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Yes, Janet has sure struggled with her weight...Ahhh..Hmmm..(clearing my throat)
Happens to the best of us.

I wish I could afford a private trainer every time I faulter on my

Tito, .....that will be interesting!

Dec 10, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Speaking of Janet Jackson, I just heard on the radio, that the Jackson 5 are planning a Tv reunion, and Michael will be there. They did not know if Janet would be joining her 5 brothers or not. Should be a great show to see!

Dec 1, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Peacful, Congratulations!
You got JJ's talent correct, and what type of work James did!

Thanks for the jukebox song!!!!!

Nov 29, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

wow, I did not know Penny's biological mother on Good Times was Kim Fields (from Facts of Life) real life mom. How cool!

I'm impressed Cheryl. You really know your sitcoms! Wish we lived closer, we could have a sitcom marathon together.

Congratulations too, you more than have all of the Trivia correct!!!!

Nov 29, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Good Times was a spin off of Maude (Florida was Maude's maid) which spun off from All in the Family.(All in the family did a lot of spinning off)

Willina's adopted daughter was Penny, played by none other than the baby of the Jackson musical dynasty, Janet.

BTW Penny's biological mother was played by Chip Fields the real life mother of Kim Fields who played Penny's friend in a couple of episodes!

Nov 29, 2007 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

JJ's talent was art, James was a maintenance man.... I'm lost on the others! But the show reminds me of the 70's-- What a great time for music!

Here's a free jukebox for you-- Thanks for the memories! :)

Nov 29, 2007 Like it
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