Fear is The Biggest Obstacle in Life...

Posted by Joseph Botelho
Oct 17, 2007

February 2, 2009


"Fear is The Biggest Obstacle in Life"

For these reasons, I always say that fear is the biggest obstacle in your life - not your financial situation, your upbringing, your daily nine-to-five grind................And your fears are generally unfolded........

Think about what l have just stated when you take the time to analyze what you have done in the past to help your success and what have you done to hinder it.  You will recognize changes you could have made and steps you could have taken to make your life more remarkable.

But l have something to share with you and l am firm on this demand: You need to stop dwelling in the past.  Otherwise you will never make full use of your great potential that we all have within our self.............

You need to focus your mind and actions on the future, in order to move forward you need to look at your past, "BUT" At be lament about past failures or any aspect of your past.  So have a good look at your life in a very objective way and determine what you can do right away to start making positive changes.....

My mind is working over time, l was thinking about this all day today and then l decided to write about it.  I had few members at work and l was listening to them when l came up with this after hearing all they had to say......

I told them that the pass is something that you will never change but the only thing you could do from the past is learn from it.......I used some of my failures and told them what l was going through they just looked at me................See it works and l walked away................

I enjoy this article and have reviewed it many times, it honestly makes a lot of sense to me, when you really think about it.   What is really stopping us from success..

I think we all know that answer...............all you need to do is look at a mirror and you will see the answer.....



Joseph F. Botelho

l look forward to having you on my team
38 people like it
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Comments (105)
Cindy Bolley


A Great One to share over and over and over again!

Feb 21, 2013 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

longtime since l have shared this article

Jan 17, 2012 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Yes, lots of good points here, for sure. Worth reading again and again

Apr 23, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

still my favorite article..

Apr 22, 2011 Like it
Rickey Villaroel

Real Estate Agent | SEO

Fear like procastination will always prevent success. Dreams are the thoughts of success. Always believe in yourself and you will make the impossible possible.

Mar 26, 2011 Like it
Debasish Panda

SME-Publishing Services

thank you JFB really its very useful and effective....

Mar 24, 2011 Like it
Angel R.

Perpetual Student in Digital Nomad

I can Help to Diminuate Your Fear of LOSES ONLINE!
IT`S A STEP-BY-sTEP Converting Time in Money!

Mar 24, 2011 Like it
Angeline Bridges


good J i always stop from trying new things in life for the fear of failure! now whenever i aam afraid of anything i will try to look in the mirror

Mar 23, 2011 Like it
Bradley Matthews

I help people earn income online.

Well put thanks for sharing. Will give it tops thumbs up.

Mar 23, 2011 Like it
Plamen Penev

seeker of new challenges

'You need to focus your mind and actions on the future"-tha is the truth !!! Do not regret the past, it will never come back,look forward, just think of good things, smile and give the best of yourself, good luck!

Mar 23, 2011 Like it

Very good one.This is a very good blog..But is it for marketing?

Mar 23, 2011 Like it
Rajesh Verma


yes you are fear, if you overcome your fear you can anything for example if you wanted to invested some money but fear always hold you back, the fear of losing money, just conquer your fear and you will conquer the world

Mar 23, 2011 Like it
Gautam Jain


I believe sometime when expectation from you is getting higher then it replace by pressure to fulfil that expectation and that pressure is converted into fear which ultimately drag you into failure. It is also an art to control over fear which comes with experience only. Thanks Joseph.

Dec 11, 2010 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

once you learn this ability you will understand what it all means..

Dec 10, 2010 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Thank you Andy,

Once you do have this ability we do move forward as per our phone conversation today, you have handle it all with style and class....We all need understand what the true meaning of fear is....understanding our abilities will always over come adversity in life....

Dec 9, 2010 Like it
Andy Anderson

Owner Yuma Bloggers

Fear never really goes away but moving forward in spite of it is the difference between the leader and follower, and hero versus victim. We only move forward by taking the next step in face of whatever adversity we may face.

Another awesome post.

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Thanapoom L. Li

Tintin in Thailand

yes I fear , I don't want to be a garbage , I just don't know how to arrange the words like you guys do. and you just simply tell me that I'm a garbage ,

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Life is very complicate and we as humans have a tendency to make it even more complicated with own true emotional fears that are nothing more then a psychosomatic moment which means mind over body. When we understand our fears and know how to use them to our advantage then we have done what l wrote... Actually l wrote an article on why you should surrounding yourself with positive people.

Thanks for the comments....

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Stan S.

Sales and Marketing Professional

Absolutely! The single emotion that we can do so much without.

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Laverne Arsenault

Internet Marketer,blogger

I have the very same story as nomorehackers couldnt of wrote my life story better.These day I choose to be connect to only postive people in my life,never look back,always thinking postive thoughts

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
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