Explaining uVme Jewel Two - The Fast Start Bonus

Posted by Matt Finnigan
Jul 27, 2007
hope that you have calmed down from the potential earnings that can
be made from Jewel One, lets look at the Jewel Two, the fast start
Fast Start Bonus One: This is paid by uVme for helping your new associate to become active within the first 28 days of joining.
For the new associate to become active they need to introduce at
least 2 players with a combined PPV (personal player volume) of £20.
Every single time this happens, YOU GET £100
Fast Start Bonus Two: Evert time your associate earns a fast start bonus one payment of £100, YOU GET £20
There is no limit to the number new associates you can sponsor and you will earn £100 every time one of them becomes active.
Example: Say you introduce just 2 new associates
each payment cycle who become active within 28 days, by the end of the
year you would have earned £2600 in FSB 1 revenue. (26 new associates)
If each new associate sponsors 2 new associates that become active will give you 52 payments of £20 or £1040 in FSB 2 revenue.
The first year: If this example was achieved you would earn a total of £3640 from this Jewel.
This would take your total earnings in the first year to over
£40,000 from just Jewel 1 & 2, remember there are a total of 9
Jewels in this payment plan.

Fancy some of this action, join now whilst it FREE to register.
More to come with another Jewel in the crown of the uVme payplan.

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